Script that enables all AB features in WhatsApp Web.
- Open WhatsApp Web in your browser.
- Press F12 to open the developer tools.
- Go to the console tab.
- Paste the script.
const features = {};
const overrides = {
web_intern_dogfooding_upsell_enabled: false, // Causes a UI crash
const getABPropConfigValue = require("WAWebABProps").getABPropConfigValue;
console.log("FeatureName\t\t\t\tOriginal Value\t\t\t\tnew Value");
require("WAWebABProps").getABPropConfigValue = function (featureName) {
const retVal = getABPropConfigValue(featureName);
let newValue = retVal;
if (typeof retVal === "boolean") {
newValue = true;
if (features[featureName] === undefined) {
console.log(`[+] ${featureName.padEnd(30)} ${retVal.toString().padEnd(30)} ${newValue.toString()}`);
features[featureName] = retVal;
if (overrides[featureName] !== undefined) {
return overrides[featureName];
return newValue;