The Storage API (here and after referred to as API) provides a set of methods necessary for multiple file uploading using Websocket following by transferring files chunks to AWS S3-like object storage or multipart file upload processing.
Microservice core: Echo web microframework v4
Authorization: JWT token, public key verification, jwt parsing / validation
File Storage: MINIO S3 Object Storage
Configuration: Hocon config
Logging: LogDoc logging subsystem
Database: File Metadata storage using Postgres DB, sqlx
Can be deployed to Docker, Dockerfile included
- Opentracing to Jaeger UI or my custom trace collector with LogDoc trace processing
- Prometheus metrics (golang standart custom business metrics) with Grafana visualization
- LogDoc logging visualization
- Asynq queue monitoring using asynqmon
Custom middlewares for Authorization header processing, custom CORS processing, multipart body validation
Rate limiter middleware, rate limit: 20 rps/sec, burst: 20 (maximum number of requests to pass at the same moment)
LogDoc logging subsystem, ClickHouse-based high performance logging collector
Graceful shutdown
Using Makefile: make rebuild, restart, run, etc
- combine backend and frontend into one application
- add docker-compose multistage projct building
- migrate to fiber framework
- Communication Bus: Asynq (Redis-based async queue) for incidents notification by telegram, sending emails, etc.
- Migrations: golang-migrate
- pprof profiling in debug mode
- SIGHUP signal config reloading
- Teler WAF (Intrusion Detection Middleware)