This is a TypeScript-based banking application that allows creating and managing banks, branches, customers, and their transactions.
To use the system, you need to have Node.js and TypeScript installed on your machine. You can install them by running:
npm install -g typescript
After that, you need to clone this repository and install the required dependencies by running:
git clone
cd fs15_5-ES6-TS_banking-app
npm run build
The system consists of four main classes: Bank
, Branch
, Customer
, and Transaction
. You can use them to create and manage banks, branches, customers, and transactions, respectively.
Here's an example of how you can create a bank, a branch, a customer, and a transaction:
const arizonaBank = new Bank("Arizona")
const westBranch = new Branch("West Branch")
const sunBranch = new Branch("Sun Branch")
const customer1 = new Customer("John")
const customer2 = new Customer("Anna")
const customer3 = new Customer("Jim Ike")
arizonaBank.findBranchByName("Sun") // returns [Branch: "name": "Sun Branch", "customers": [] }]
arizonaBank.findBranchByName("bank") // returns []
arizonaBank.addCustomer(westBranch, customer1)
arizonaBank.addCustomer(westBranch, customer3)
arizonaBank.addCustomer(sunBranch, customer1)
arizonaBank.addCustomer(sunBranch, customer2)
arizonaBank.addCustomerTransaction(westBranch, customer1.getId(), { amount: 3000, date: new Date() }) // returns "customer-1 made new transaction 3000"
arizonaBank.addCustomerTransaction(westBranch, customer1.getId(), { amount: 2000, date: new Date() }) // returns "customer-1 made new transaction 2000"
arizonaBank.addCustomerTransaction(sunBranch, customer2.getId(), { amount: 3000, date: new Date() })
arizonaBank.addCustomerTransaction(westBranch, customer3.getId(), { amount: 3000, date: new Date() })
customer1.addTransactions({ amount: -1000, date: new Date() })
console.log(arizonaBank.listCustomers(westBranch, true))
console.log(arizonaBank.listCustomers(sunBranch, false))
You can run it with the command:
npm start
This will start the CLI interface and show you a menu of available commands. You can type help to see a list of available commands and their descriptions.