English: bss-based memory-allocator for microcontroller, single-threaded
features: coalescence, private functions for freelist-control, block merge/-split
Code comments are written in Dutch language
mem_init(): initialise memory pool.
mem_malloc(size): returns pointer to a memory block of size Bytes, or a NULL pointer on failure.
mem_calloc(nitems, itemsize): returns pointer to a zero-initialised memory block of nitems * itemsize Bytes, or a NULL pointer on failure.
mem_free(address): returns the memory block to the memory pool.
mem_realloc(address, newsize): with NULL-address, behaves like mem_malloc(), with newsize 0, behaves like mem_free() and returns NULL, otherwise the block will be shrinked or expanded if necessary, or moved or copied to a fresh acquired block, and the pointer to this block returned, or a NULL pointer if all the above failed.