We have tested with Python 3.8.18 and Conda 23.7.4 on Ubuntu 20.04. We recommend using an Anaconda virtual environment
You might need pythonx.x-dev
package matching your python version installed with apt-get, and
the following.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential
conda create -n psltl python=3.8
Go to Files - Github. Click 'Download this folder' to download zip file.
cd PartialSatLTL
pip install wheel==0.38.4
pip install setuptools==65.5.0
pip3 install -e .
Please follow the instructions on the webpage: https://github.com/openai/mujoco-py
If you face errors while building the gym package's wheel, such as:
wheel.vendored.packaging.requirements.InvalidRequirement: Expected end or semicolon (after version specifier) opencv-python>=3.
Please refer to this GitHub issue for solutions (openai/gym#3202).
: str (RL algorithm)--missing
: bool (Test with infeasible environment)--noise_level
: float (Determine likelihood of noisy action)--use_one_hot
: bool (Use one-hot encoding for automaton states)--node_embedding
: bool (Use node embedding for automaton states)--default_setting
: bool (Use default hyperparameters for each algorithm)--env_name
: str (e.g. office, water, toy, cheetah, etc.)--reward_types
: p (Options: p - progress, h - hybrid, n - naive)--use_adrs
: bool (Enable or disable adaptive reward shaping)--hybrid_eta
: float (Trade-off factor between negative and positive feedback)--ards_update
: int (Frequency of adaptive reward shaping updates)--adrs_mu
: float (Parameter for the trade-off between past and upcoming experiences)--episode_step
: int (Maximum steps per episode)--total_timesteps
: int (Total timesteps for each run)--total_run
: int (Number of times to run the same environment for accurate performance measurement considering standard deviation)- Numerous other hyperparameters available for RL algorithm settings.
Vary --reward_types
n, p, h to test with reward functions: naive, progress, and hybrid, respectively.
Note --default_setting True
automatically use hyperparameter reported in the paper. We have used seeds 0 to 9 for 10 independent runs.
For noisy or infeasible environments runs, additional arguments like --noise_level=0.1
or --missing=True
can be appended.
In the toy example, we illustrate a scenario where Progress always fails to complete the task, despite following the optimal policy for reward maximization. However, when using Progress with ADRS, this issue is resolved. Note that the example differs slightly from the one presented in the paper, primarily due to variations in map size (In order to see the result in grid map with 4 cardinal directions, it needs many timesteps). Nevertheless, the underlying reason remains the same.
The following plot illustrates the performance comparison between different reward shaping approaches in the toy environment:
The left plot shows the average reward obtained during training, while the right plot shows the success rate. As demonstrated, Progress fails to achieve optimal performance, while Progress with ADRS successfully learns the optimal policy. This highlights how adaptive reward shaping helps overcome the limitations of static reward shaping approaches. Because Q-learning can converge to suboptimal policies, progress reward shaping might enable task completion even in cases where the theoretically optimal policy would not.
python run.py --env_name toy --total_timesteps 10000 --total_run 1 --episode_step 25 --reward_types p --default_setting True --seed 0 --algo_name dqn --use_adrs True --node_embedding True --eval_freq 100
python run.py --env_name toy --total_timesteps 10000 --total_run 1 --episode_step 25 --reward_types p --default_setting True --seed 0 --algo_name dqn --node_embedding True --eval_freq 100
python run.py --env_name office --total_timesteps 60000 --total_run 1 --episode_step 100 --reward_types p --default_setting True --seed 0 --algo_name dqn --adrs_update 25 --use_adrs True --node_embedding True --eval_freq 100
python run.py --env_name taxi --total_timesteps 500000 --total_run 1 --episode_step 200 --reward_types p --default_setting True --seed 0 --algo_name dqn --use_adrs True --node_embedding True --eval_freq 1000
python run.py --env_name water --total_timesteps 2000000 --total_run 1 --episode_step 600 --reward_types p --default_setting True --seed 0 --algo_name ddqn --adrs_update 1000 --use_adrs True --use_one_hot True --map_id 3 --eval_freq 1000
python run.py --algo_name ddpg --env_name cheetah --total_timesteps 2000000 --total_run 1 --episode_step 1000 --reward_types p --default_setting True --seed 0 --adrs_update 100 --use_adrs True --use_one_hot True --eval_freq 1000
For A2C,
python run.py --algo_name a2c --env_name cheetah --total_timesteps 2000000 --total_run 1 --episode_step 1000 --reward_types p --default_setting True --seed 0 --adrs_update 500 --use_adrs True --use_one_hot True --eval_freq 1000
For PPO,
python run.py --algo_name ppo --env_name cheetah --total_timesteps 2000000 --total_run 1 --episode_step 1000 --reward_types p --default_setting True --seed 0 --adrs_update 500 --use_adrs True --use_one_hot True --eval_freq 1000
For Baselines run, please refer to the following GitHub repositories:
QRM: https://bitbucket.org/RToroIcarte/qrm/src/master/
CRM: https://github.com/RodrigoToroIcarte/reward_machines
Change your current directory to ./psltl/baseline_algo/qrm/src
and use the following commands:
- Deterministic:
python run.py --algorithm="qrm-rs" --world="office" --map=0 --num_times=10 --batch_size=1 --buffer_size=1
- Noise:
python run.py --algorithm="qrm-rs" --world="office" --map=0 --num_times=10 --batch_size=1 --buffer_size=1 --noise_level=0.1
- Infeasible:
python run.py --algorithm="qrm-rs" --world="office" --map=0 --num_times=10 --batch_size=1 --buffer_size=1 --missing=True
- Deterministic:
python run.py --algorithm="qrm-rs" --world="taxi" --map=0 --num_times=10 --batch_size=1 --buffer_size=1
- Deterministic:
python run.py --algorithm="qrm-rs" --world="water" --map=3 --num_times=10 --batch_size=32 --buffer_size=50000
For noisy or infeasible environments runs, additional arguments like --noise_level=0.1
or --missing=True
can be appended.
Change your current directory to ./psltl/baseline_algo/crm
and use the following commands:
- Deterministic:
python run.py --alg=qlearning --env=Office-single-v0 --num_timesteps=6e4 --gamma=0.95 --env_name="office" --seed 0 --use_crm --eval_freq=100 --use_rs
- Noise:
python run.py --alg=qlearning --env=Office-single-v0 --num_timesteps=6e4 --gamma=0.95 --env_name="office" --seed 0 --use_crm --eval_freq=100 --use_rs --noise_level 0.1
- Infeasible:
python run.py --alg=qlearning --env=Office-single-v0 --num_timesteps=6e4 --gamma=0.95 --env_name="office" --seed 0 --use_crm --eval_freq=100 --use_rs --missing True
- Deterministic:
python run.py --alg=qlearning --env=Taxi-v0 --num_timesteps=5e5 --gamma=0.9 --env_name="taxi" --seed 0 --use_rs --use_crm --eval_freq=1000
- Deterministic:
python run.py --alg=deepq --env=Water-single-M3-v0 --num_timesteps=2e6 --gamma=0.9 --env_name="water" --use_crm --seed 0 --use_rs
- Deterministic:
python run.py --alg=ddpg --env=Half-Cheetah-RM2-v0 --num_timesteps=2e6 --gamma=0.99 --env_name="cheetah" --use_crm --seed 0 --normalize_observations=True
For noisy or infeasible environments runs, additional arguments like --noise_level=0.1
or --missing=True
can be appended.
Note: For CRM run, only one run will be executed. To test multiple run results, change the seed. We have used seeds 0 to 9 for 10 independent runs
For HRM run, simply change --alg=qlearning
command to 1) --alg=hrm
for Office and Taxi worlds, and 2) --alg=dhrm
for Water and HalfCheetah worlds.
Algorithm | On-Policy | Off-Policy | Compatability |
QRM | - | ✓ | DQN, DDQN |
HRM, CRM | - | ✓ | DDPG, DQN, DDQN |
Ours | ✓ | ✓ | DDPG, TD3, SAC, PPO, A2C, DQN, DDQN (customized from stable-baseline3) |
Note: Experiments were primarily conducted on a server using the Slurm scheduler. We ran experiments in parallel, specifying --total_run 1
while varying the seed from --seed 0
to --seed 9
for both CRM and our approach. For QRM, we conducted 10 runs specifying --num_times=10
. The execution times for each run varied based on the specific environment:
- Office World: Each run took between 5 to 10 minutes.
- Taxi World: Each run required approximately one hour.
- Water World: Each run took more than a day to complete.
- HalfCheetah World: Each run also took more than a day.
Note that the running time varied depending on the type of reward function used. Empirically, we observed that runs with hybrid reward functions typically took significantly more time. In the case of Water and Cheetah worlds with hybrid functions, each run took approximately 2 to 4 days to complete.
If you have limited computing resources, we suggest using Progress reward function, as they require less time to run and still demonstrate good performance compared to Reward Machine methods.
We note the hardware specifications upon which all experiments were conducted:
When running without a GPU, we recommend focusing on the grid world examples (Office and Taxi) with at least a 10th gen i7 CPU and 8GB of RAM. However, for the other environments, we recommend using a GPU enabled server or desktop with 16GB RAM and a CUDA enabled GPU such as an RTX 2080 or later.
To ensure the reproducibility of the result plots presented in the paper, we have organized the relevant plot-related files into the results_plot folder.
For monitoring and tracking reward and success rates during training, we have implemented custom callbacks and utilized evaluate_policy.py, which is derived from the stable-baselines3 library. These functionalities can be found in the following files: psltl/rl_agents/common/callbacks.py
and psltl/rl_agents/common/evaluation.py
The results obtained from the callbacks, including reward and success rate, are stored in the /log
folder with a specific format: /log/environment's name/reward function name, adrs, automaton representation/seed/evaluations.npz
. Additionally, the trained model is saved as RL algorithm.zip
in the same log folder.
In order to facilitate result visualization and comparison across all algorithms, we convert the saved npz files into CSV format. Please note that the saved file types may vary for QRM and CRM, as they are based on the original implementations. For more detailed instructions, please refer to the README.md file included in the corresponding folder.
: Core files for RM or LTL environments (not specific to environments like office, toy, etc.).psltl/envs/common
: Specific environment designs (state, dynamic, action) like office, toy, mujoco, etc.psltl/envs/ltl_envs
: LTL environments based on the designs in the "common" folder. These can be continuous control or grid world environments.
: Saved LTL information for each environment (number of states, transitions, etc.).psltl/ltl
: Include python files to encode LTL formular with DFA using lydia library (generate_ltl.ipynb
), and load the saved DFA (partial_sat_atm_load.py
). Note: In order to run generate_ltl.ipynb, you should use docker, and follow the instruction from here: https://github.com/whitemech/logaut. If you are using virtual environment, you should execute the following terminal command in the directory of your virtual environment;
echo '#!/usr/bin/env sh' > lydia
echo 'docker run -v$(pwd):/home/default whitemech/lydia lydia "$@"' >> lydia
sudo chmod u x lydia
For example, my virtual environment directory is 'home/mj/anaconda3/envs/psltl/bin', and I type the terminal command on the directory.
: Contains naive, progress, hybrid reward function classes.
: Customized RL agents for generic environments, typically used for LTL environments. Includes a custom evaluation method for success rate tracking.
: Executes the algorithm.psltl/learner/learning_param.py
: Defines learning parameters.psltl/learner/ltl_learner.py
: Sets up the LTL environment and RL algorithms
: Plot Results