Seasoned Software Consultant & Senior Salesforce Developer | Expert in Salesforce Development | Proficient in Full-Stack Solutions with .NET Framework | Proficient in Front-End Solutions with HTML5 and Javascript | Agile Methodology Enthusiast | Salesforce Certified Administrator
- 🔭 I’m currently working on ZephyrJS.
- 💬 Ask me about .NEt, C#, C , Ruby, Salesforce, Javascript.
- ⚡ Fun fact: Forever learning new things and refining my core skill set.
- Programming Languages: C#, JavaScript, Python, Rust, C , C, Ruby
- Frameworks: React, Node.js, .NET Core, .NET Framework
- Project 1: A custom client side web component library for creating reusable UI components with Shadow DOM and state management.
- Project 2: Project Melody is a comprehensive MIDI file generation tool designed for musicians, composers, and hobbyists.
- Project 1: Object Oriented Hierarchical Database