Set of d3 projections for showing countries' distant lands together
The projection itself works the same way as the other d3 projections. To be more precise, exacly as the albersUsa projection, so no rotation is supported:
var projection = d3.geo.conicConformalPortugal();
Change the scale using scale i.e. .scale(3000)
, as usual.
The projection is available for:
- USA: albersUSA
- France: conicConformalFrance
- Portugal: conicConformalPortugal
- Spain: conicConformalSpain
To draw the borders between the projection zones, use getCompositionBorders()
.attr("d", path(projection.getCompositionBorders()));
You can get the files just by cloning the repository:
git clone
or downloading the composite-projections.js or composite-projections.min.js files.
Of course, you can link the files from your script:
<script src=""></script>
The bower package will install the production files, without tests or building options:
bower install d3-composite-projections
To install the projections with npm so you can run the tests, use it with node, etc, just run:
npm install d3-composite-projections
npm install -g gulp
This will download all the dependencies, the test files, and build and run the tests.
The tests are made using mocha. You can run them without using gulp:
npm install -g mocha
And, from the test directory,