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A diary app to track your daily activities, and how you feel about them. Feel Tracker will provide you with a day, week, and month view of the activities you want to track, as well as tranding and statistics.


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Sentispace is an installable PWA diary app that's built with privacy in mind. You can log your daily activities and feelings, and the app provides summaries and trends for the day, week, or month. One of its key features is caching for offline access, allowing you to interact with your diary even when you're not connected to the internet. Everything runs on the user's own device—no back-end involved. The app is built using Vite, React, TypeScript and Dexie.

Origin Story

My chronic health conditions got worse, so I needed to track my daily activities closely. I couldn't find any existing apps that met my specific privacy and functionality needs, so I created my own. After sharing with friends, I saw a greater need and chose to release it as an open-source app for everyone.


  • Activity Management: Create, modify, and delete activities with ease.
  • Organize with Categories: Assign activities to specific categories for enhanced tracking.
  • Quick Duplication: Clone activities to quickly repeat them without re-entry.
  • Activity Templates: Save activities as templates for future use.
  • Data Handling: Options to import, export, and permanently delete user data.
  • Daily Overview: Access a daily view of activities.
  • Navigate Weekly: Browse through days with a convenient weekly carousel.

How to Contribute

Thank you for your interest in contributing to our project! Here's how you can help:

Reporting Issues

Found a bug or have a feature suggestion? Please check to see if it has already been reported or suggested in the issues tab. If not, go ahead and open a new issue, providing as much relevant information as possible to help us understand the request or problem.

Contributing Code

We are happy to accept pull requests, If you'd like to contribute to the codebase, here's a quick guide:

  1. Fork the repository and create your branch from development.
  2. Write clear, commented, and readable code.
  3. Ensure that your code adheres to the existing style in the project to maintain consistency.
  4. Submit a pull request with a detailed description of your changes.

Note on Pull Requests

Since this project is in its early stages, we do not yet have a formalized test suite or Code of Conduct. By submitting a pull request, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the same license that covers the project (typically this will be specified in a LICENSE file).

We hope to add more structured processes as the project grows. In the meantime, your contributions are very much appreciated and will help us get there!

Before starting, it would be a good idea to open an issue to discuss the proposed changes. This is not mandatory, but it can help prevent overlapping work and ensure that the changes align with the project's direction and goals.

Thank you for considering to contribute to our project, and we look forward to your contributions!


This project wouldn't be what it is without the generous support and resources provided by the following tools and communities:

  • @phosphor-icons/react for the wide array of beautiful icons that enhance the visual aspect of our app.
  • Framer Motion for enabling us to add smooth and natural motion effects to our UI components.
  • React Router DOM for the comprehensive navigation solution it offers for React apps.
  • date-fns for providing a consistent toolset for manipulating JavaScript dates in a straightforward way.
  • The Haifa:Dev Developers Community for their encouragement and support throughout the development of this project.
  • nick-vi for his role in designing the user experience and contributing to the app's development.




A diary app to track your daily activities, and how you feel about them. Feel Tracker will provide you with a day, week, and month view of the activities you want to track, as well as tranding and statistics.







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