Synergy Systems
- Russia. Samara
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Sculpted and curved keycaps for Kailh Choc and MX switches
Альтернативная раскладка клавиатуры для русского языка «Диктор»
Corne keyboard, a split keyboard with 3x6 column staggered keys and 3 thumb keys.
Универсальная английская и русская раскладка для Windows, Linux и macOS
😸 Soothing pastel theme for the high-spirited!
winterNebs / qmk_firmware
Forked from qmk/qmk_firmwareOpen-source keyboard firmware for Atmel AVR and Arm USB families
Keyboard layout for programmers, based on Colemak
Revit AddinManager update .NET assemblies without restart Revit for developer.
Adds VIM Relative numbers to Visual Studio for use with VSVim
Puzzle game for Android and Windows, inspired by Jonathan Blow's "The Witness". Created using MonoGame.
Вопросы и ответы к интервью Java разработчика
Summary of answers to pygame questions posted on stack overflow
NERDTree inspired Solution Explorer for Visual Studio
Interactive Revit database exploration tool to view and edit BIM element parameters, properties and relationships.
Framework for building a complete MSI or WiX source code by using script files written with C# syntax.