Extension to ActivityWatch which allows you to track the commands you've written and time spent in terminals.
Automatically track following data for every command execution:
- the executed command
- path of the shell
- shell name
- exit code of the command
- execution time
- session id (automatically created)
For simpler analysis on how long you've worked in the terminal (and in which directories and paths) this data is stored in a separate bucket. Following data is tracked there:
- shell name
- path
- session id
With the data stored it is theoretically possible to write all commands executed in a specific terminal session into a file. This feature is not yet implemented.
You need to have ActivityWatch installed.
git clone https://github.com/otto-aa/aw-watcher-terminal.git
cd aw-watcher-terminal
make build
If your preferred shell is missing, feel free to file an issue or create the shell watcher on your own (see docs).
# If the aw-server is not started yet (e.g. by aw-qt), then start it in a separate terminal
# Start the terminal watcher
Currently, you can pass it the flags --testing
for using the test server and --verbose
for more detailed logging
Note: If you want it to autostart with aw-qt, take a look at this this issue
echo "Finished installation"