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1 Java Project Manager, is a Maven/Gradle alternative with a twist. Its a single Java file itself, which should be edited by you to configure your project.


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1 Java Project Manager (1JPM), is a Maven/Gradle alternative with a twist. It's a single Java file itself, which should be edited by you to configure your project.

Meaning instead of writing XML (Maven) or Groovy (Gradle), your build file is Java code too. Thus to build your project, download/copy the file into your project, open a terminal and execute:

  • Java 11 and above: java jar
  • Java 8 to 10: javac && java -cp . JPM jar
  • Earlier Java versions are not supported

jar is a task, which compiles and creates a jar file from your code. If you want to include dependencies in the jar run fatJar instead.

1JPM works in a very similar way to Gradle, however everything in 1JPM is a plugin (even all its tasks), and third-party plugins can be added simply by appending their Java code inside ThirdPartyPlugins (these must be written in Java 8 and not use external dependencies).

class ThisProject extends JPM.Project {
  static{ // Task related examples (optional):
    JPM.ROOT.pluginsAfter.add(new JPM.Plugin("deploy").withExecute((project) -> {
      // Register custom task named "deploy", and run your tasks code here.
      // If this throws an exception the whole build stops.
    JPM.Build.GET.pluginsAfter.add(new JPM.Plugin("").withExecute((project) -> {
      // Run something after/before another task.
      // In this case after the "build" task.

  public ThisProject(List<String> args) {
    // Override default configurations
    this.groupId = "com.mycompany";
    this.artifactId = "my-project";
    this.version = "1.0.0";
    this.mainClass = "com.mycompany.MyMainClass";
    this.jarName = "my-project.jar";
    this.fatJarName = "my-project-with-dependencies.jar";

    // Add some example dependencies
    addDependency("junit", "junit", "4.13.2");
    addDependency("org.apache.commons", "commons-lang3", "3.12.0");
    //implementation("org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.12.0"); // Same as above but similar to Gradle DSL

    // Add some compiler arguments

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

class ThirdPartyPlugins extends JPM.Plugins{
  // Add third party plugins below:
  // (If you want to develop a plugin take a look at "JPM.Clean" class further below to get started)

// 1JPM version 1.0.3 by Osiris-Team
// To upgrade JPM, replace the JPM class below with its newer version
public class JPM {

Why a single file?


  • IDEs should provide decent auto-complete when is in the project root (where your pom.xml/build.gradle) usually is.
  • To access all your IDEs fancy features, you can also add to ./src/main/java. This also grants the rest of your project easy access to its data, like your projects version for example. Just make sure that your working dir is still at ./ when executing tasks.
  • Simple drag and drop installation.
  • Direct access to the source of 1JPM and what happens under the hood for those who like exploring or better understanding how something works, which can be helpful if issues arise.

Cons / Todo

  • Developing plugins is tricky since you can't really use third-party dependencies at the moment. A workaround for this would be developing a task like "minifyProject" which would merge a complete project into 1 line of code, including any dependencies used.


1JPM is a new project and currently an early-access/beta release, thus does not contain all the functionalities of the other major build tools like Maven and Gradle, however should provide the basic and most used functions.

IntelliJ IDEA and VSCode plugins (Future release)

  • Allow seamless integration into major IDEs.

Below you can see some Gradle tasks that are available in 1JPM (or planned).


  • clean: ✅ Deletes the build directory.
  • compileJava: ✅ Compiles Java source files.
    • Sub-task: compileJava.options.compilerArgs: ✅ Configures Java compiler arguments.
  • processResources: ✅ Processes resource files (e.g., copying them to the output directory).
    • Sub-task: processResources.expand( ✅ Expands placeholders in resource files.
  • classes: ✅ Assembles the compiled classes (depends on compileJava and processResources).
  • compileTestJava: Compiles test Java source files.
  • processTestResources: Processes test resource files.
  • testClasses: Assembles the compiled test classes (depends on compileTestJava and processTestResources).
  • test: Runs the unit tests (depends on testClasses).
    • Sub-task: test.useJUnitPlatform(): Configures JUnit Platform for testing.
  • jar: ✅ Assembles the JAR file.
    • Sub-task: jar.manifest: ✅ Configures the JAR manifest.
  • javadoc: Generates Javadoc for the main source code.
  • assemble: ✅ Assembles the outputs of the project (depends on classes and jar).
  • check: Runs all checks (depends on test).
  • build: ✅ Aggregates all tasks needed to build the project (depends on assemble and check).


  • clean: ✅ Deletes the build directory.
  • cleanTask: Deletes the output of a specific task (e.g., cleanJar, cleanTest).

test (Future release)

  • compileTestJava: Compiles test Java source files.
  • processTestResources: Processes test resource files.
  • testClasses: Assembles the compiled test classes.
  • test: Runs the unit tests.
    • Sub-task: test.include: Specifies which test classes to run.
    • Sub-task: test.exclude: Specifies which test classes to exclude.
  • integrationTest: Runs integration tests (custom task, needs configuration).


  • compileJava: ✅ Compiles Java source files.
  • processResources: ✅ Processes resource files.
  • classes: ✅ Assembles the compiled classes.
  • jar: ✅ Assembles the JAR file.
  • fatJar: ✅ Creates a fat JAR with all dependencies (requires Shadow plugin).
  • assemble: ✅ Aggregates classes and jar tasks.

check (Future release)

  • compileTestJava: Compiles test Java source files.
  • processTestResources: Processes test resource files.
  • testClasses: Assembles the compiled test classes.
  • test: Runs the unit tests.
  • checkstyle: Runs Checkstyle for code style checks (requires Checkstyle plugin).
  • pmdMain: Runs PMD for static code analysis (requires PMD plugin).
  • spotbugsMain: Runs SpotBugs for bug detection (requires SpotBugs plugin).
  • check: Aggregates all verification tasks, including test, checkstyle, pmdMain, and spotbugsMain.


  • dependencies: ✅ Displays the dependencies of the project.
  • dependencyInsight: Shows insight into a specific dependency.
  • dependencyUpdates: ✅ Checks for dependency updates.


  • help: ✅ Displays help information about the available tasks and command-line options.
  • components: Displays the components produced by the project.


  • tasks: ✅ Lists the tasks in the project.
  • tasks --all: Lists all tasks, including task dependencies.


  • compileJava: ✅ Compiles Java source files.
  • processResources: ✅ Processes resource files.
  • classes: ✅ Assembles the compiled classes.
  • jar: ✅ Assembles the JAR file.
    • Sub-task: jar.manifest.attributes: Sets manifest attributes.
    • Sub-task: jar.from: Includes additional files in the JAR.

publish (Future release)

  • generatePomFileForMavenPublication: Generates the POM file for Maven publication.
  • publishMavenPublicationToMavenLocal: Publishes to the local Maven repository.
  • publishMavenPublicationToMavenRepository: Publishes to a remote Maven repository.
  • publish: Aggregates all publishing tasks.

eclipse (Future release)

  • eclipseClasspath: Generates the Eclipse classpath file.
  • eclipseJdt: Generates the Eclipse JDT settings.
  • eclipseProject: Generates the Eclipse project file.
  • eclipse: Aggregates all Eclipse tasks.

idea (Future release)

  • ideaModule: Generates the IntelliJ IDEA module files.
  • ideaProject: Generates the IntelliJ IDEA project file.
  • ideaWorkspace: Generates the IntelliJ IDEA workspace file.
  • idea: Aggregates all IDEA tasks.

run (Future release)

  • compileJava: Compiles Java source files.
  • processResources: Processes resource files.
  • classes: Assembles the compiled classes.
  • run: Runs a Java application.
    • Sub-task: run.main: Specifies the main class to run.
    • Sub-task: run.args: Specifies command-line arguments.


1 Java Project Manager, is a Maven/Gradle alternative with a twist. Its a single Java file itself, which should be edited by you to configure your project.






