Flunct embeds domain-specific languages (DSLs) in SML. Flunct compiles a given FSM M specifying the DSL syntax into a functional fluent API that validates M at compile time, so only legal DSL programs may compile. For example, we can used Flunct to embed a subset of HTML in SML, making it possible to write HTML webpages as part of an SML code:
open HTML
val webpage = ^^
<h1> `"National Parks" </h1>
<th> `"Park Description" </th>
<th> `"Park Picture" </th>
<td> <p> <b> `"Yosemite" </b> `"national park" </p> </td>
<td> <img src "https://tinyurl.com/yosemite5"/> </td>
You can find this and other examples in flunct/examples
The Flunct source is found in flunct/src
The code is fully documented.
The tests are found in flunct/tests
To run the tests, run run_all.sml
We used Flunct to conduct a series of experiments to measure the
code size and compilation time of the three fluent API generation
The experiment sources are found in flunct/experiments
To run an experiment, uncomment the relevant code in
and run the file.