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Orbital Shell

Orbital Shell is a multi-plateform (windows, linux, macos, arm) command shell (according to .Net Core supported platforms and APIs compatibilities), inspired by bash and POSIX recommendations.

It provides any usual bash shell feature (even if modernized) and 'user friendly' syntaxes allowing to access (get/set/call) C# objects.

Developed using C# 8, .NET Core 3.1/Net 5 and .NET Standard 2.1

This shell integrates the most usefull shell commands, and is intented to be extended by coding new commands or downloading new commands modules within a repository of modules. Of course it can be enterly customized by using the features integrated to the shell (scripts, functions, commands, aliases, settings, parametrization,...). Having a strong ANSI/VT-100-220-300-500 support, it provides structured and colorized display of data and information (support of ASCII, Unicode and 24 bits colors).

About the project

Find any information and documentation about this project on the project's Web Site @ Orbital SHell Git-Pages

Developers and users manuals are available in the project web site @ Orbital SHell Git-Pages (documentation)

licence mit This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license: LICENSE

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