Type safe request handlers for Express. TypeScript compatible.
- Validate Express requests (body and query objects) using io-ts.
- Construct Express responses without mutation using express-result-types.
Below is small example that demonstrates request body and query validation using io-ts and fully typed response construction using express-result-types.
const Body = t.interface({
name: t.string,
const Query = t.interface({
age: NumberFromString,
const requestHandler = wrap(req => {
const jsonBody = req.body.asJson();
const maybeQuery = Query.decode({
age: req.query.get("age").toNullable(),
const maybeBody = jsonBody.chain(jsValue =>
return maybeQuery
.chain(query => maybeBody.map(body => ({ query, body })))
.map(({ query, body }) =>
new JsValue({
// We defined the shape of the request body and the request query parameter
// "age" for validation purposes, but it also gives us static types! For
// example, here the type checker knows the types:
// - `body.name` is type `string`
// - `age` is type `number`
name: body.name,
age: query.age,
.getOrElseL(error => BadRequest.apply(new JsValue(error), jsValueWriteable));
app.post("/", requestHandler);
// ❯ curl --request POST --silent --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
// --data "{ "name": "bob" }" "localhost:8080/" | jq "."
// "Validation errors for query: Expecting NumberFromString at age but instead got: null."
// ❯ curl --request POST --silent --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
// --data "{ "name": "bob" }" "localhost:8080/?age=foo" | jq "."
// "Validation errors for query: Expecting NumberFromString at age but instead got: \"foo\"."
// ❯ curl --request POST --silent --header "Content-Type: invalid" \
// --data "{ "name": "bob" }" "localhost:8080/?age=5" | jq "."
// "Expecting request header "Content-Type" to equal "application/json", but instead got "invalid"."
// ❯ curl --request POST --silent --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
// --data "invalid" "localhost:8080/?age=5" | jq "."
// "JSON parsing error: Unexpected token i in JSON at position 0"
// ❯ curl --request POST --silent --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
// --data "{ "name": 1 }" "localhost:8080/?age=5" | jq "."
// "Validation errors for body: Expecting string at name but instead got: 1."
// ❯ curl --request POST --silent --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
// --data "{ "name": "bob" }" "localhost:8080/?age=5" | jq "."
// {
// "name": "bob",
// "age": 5
// }
yarn add express-fp
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