Important constants and basic math functions.
Contains the following basic physics and math Constants:
- Pi circle-number like 3.14... and Pi/2 and 2·Pi
- Euler e-constant like 2.71828...
- SquareRoot2 the square root of 2 like 1.4142...
- SquareRoot3 the square root of 3 like 1.732...
- GoldenRatio the golden ratio like 1.61803...
- SpeedOfLight like c = 299792458 m/s
- ElemCharge elementary charge of a proton e = 1.602176634 · 10^-19 C (Coulomb)
- MassElektron resting mass of an electron m_e = 9.109 · 10^-31 kg
- MassProton resting mass of a proton m_p = 1.6726215813 · 10^-27 kg
- PlanckQuantum Plancks Wirkungsquantum h = 6,62607015 · 10^-37 m² · kg / s
- Avogadro Avogadro-constant N_A = 6,022 · 10^23
- Gravitation Newtons gravitational constant G = 6,6743 · 10^-11 m³ / (kg · s²)
- BoltzmannConst Boltzmann-constant k_B = 1,38064852 · 10^23 m2 kg s-2 K-1
- MagnPermittvy magnetic field constant mue_0 = µ0 ˜ 1.2566370621219 · 10 ^-6 N/A²
- ElecPermittvy electrical field constant eps_0 = 8.854187812813 · 10-12 (A s)/(V m)
- QuantumAlpha fine structure constant
Contains the following basic math functions:
- testing for IEEE positive and negative inifinite, not-a-number, undefined
- fibonacci
- all possible factorial numbers
- greatest common divisor, least-common-multiple, prime-factorisation, cancel-fration,
- linear interpolation
- testing a number for prime, GetNextPrime, GetRandomPrime, contains all primes up to 100000
- Min and Max for all primitive numeric datatypes
- Logarithm naturale (to base e), to base 10, to a given base
- Atan2 and SinusCardinalis (aka sinc)
- checking for zero, is-equal
- rounding, round-up, round-down, floor, ceiling
- solving quadratic formula, squareroot
- solving cubic formula, cuberoot
- calculating with complex-numbers
- pascal triangles
- modulo function for floating-points
- calculation of Pi