Scripts for downloading logs from
Scans flash local storage for tenhou log file names and then downloads the game xml from
- seed Seed for RNG for generating walls and dice rolls.
- ref ?
<GO> Start of game
- type Lobby type.
- lobby Lobby number.
<UN> User list or user reconnect
- n[0-3] Names for each player as URLEncoded UTF-8.
- dan List of ranks for each player.
- rate List of rates for each player.
- sx List of sex ("M" or "F") for each player.
<BYE> User disconnect
- who Player who disconnected.
<TAIKYOKU> Start of round
- oya Dealer
<INIT> Start of hand
- seed Six element list:
Round number,
Number of combo sticks,
Number of riichi sticks,
First dice minus one,
Second dice minus one,
Dora indicator.
- ten List of scores for each player
- oya Dealer
- hai[0-3] Starting hands as a list of tiles for each player.
<[T-W][0-9]*> Player draws a tile.
<[D-G][0-9]*> Player discards a tile.
<N> Player calls a tile.
- who The player who called the tile.
- m The meld.
<REACH> Player declares riichi.
- who The player who declared riichi
- step Where the player is in declaring riichi:
1 -> Called "riichi"
2 -> Placed point stick on table after discarding.
- ten List of current scores for each player.
<DORA> New dora indicator.
- hai The new dora indicator tile.
<AGARI> A player won the hand
- who The player who won.
- fromwho Who the winner won from: themselves for tsumo, someone else for ron.
- hai The closed hand of the winner as a list of tiles.
- m The open melds of the winner as a list of melds.
- machi The waits of the winner as a list of tiles.
- doraHai The dora as a list of tiles.
- dorahaiUra The ura dora as a list of tiles.
- yaku List of yaku and their han values.
0 -> tsumo
1 -> riichi
2 -> ippatsu
3 -> chankan
4 -> rinshan
5 -> haitei
6 -> houtei
7 -> pinfu
8 -> tanyao
9 -> ippeiko
10-17 -> fanpai
18-20 -> yakuhai
21 -> daburi
22 -> chiitoi
23 -> chanta
24 -> itsuu
25 -> sanshokudoujin
26 -> sanshokudou
27 -> sankantsu
28 -> toitoi
29 -> sanankou
30 -> shousangen
31 -> honrouto
32 -> ryanpeikou
33 -> junchan
34 -> honitsu
35 -> chinitsu
52 -> dora
53 -> uradora
54 -> akadora
- yakuman List of yakuman.
36 -> renhou
37 -> tenhou
38 -> chihou
39 -> daisangen
40,41 -> suuankou
42 -> tsuiisou
43 -> ryuuiisou
44 -> chinrouto
45,46 -> chuurenpooto
47,48 -> kokushi
49 -> daisuushi
50 -> shousuushi
51 -> suukantsu
- ten Three element list:
The fu points in the hand,
The point value of the hand,
The limit value of the hand:
0 -> No limit
1 -> Mangan
2 -> Haneman
3 -> Baiman
4 -> Sanbaiman
5 -> Yakuman
- ba Two element list of stick counts:
The number of combo sticks,
The number of riichi sticks.
- sc List of scores and the changes for each player.
- owari Final scores including uma at the end of the game.
<RYUUKYOKU> The hand ended with a draw
- type The type of draw:
"yao9" -> 9 ends
"reach4" -> Four riichi calls
"ron3" -> Triple ron
"kan4" -> Four kans
"kaze4" -> Same wind discard on first round
"nm" -> Nagashi mangan.
- hai[0-3] The hands revealed by players as a list of tiles.
- ba Two element list of stick counts:
The number of combo sticks,
The number of riichi sticks.
- sc List of scores and the changes for each player.
- owari Final scores including uma at the end of the game.
0 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Base Tile | | | | | | |
| and |0| T2| T1| T0|1|Who|
|Called Tile| | | | | | |
----------- - --- --- --- - ---
Base Tile and Called Tile:
((Base / 9) * 7 Base % 9) * 3 Chi
Tile[i] - 4 * i - Base * 4
Offset of player the tile was called from.
The tiles in the chi.
The lowest tile in the chi / 4.
Which tile out of the three was called.
0 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Base Tile | | |K|P| | |
| and | 0 | T4|A|O|0|Who|
| Called Tile | | |N|N| | |
--------------- - --- - - - ---
Base Tile and Called Tile:
Base * 3 Called
Tile4 - Base * 4
Set iff the meld is a pon.
Set iff the meld is a pon upgraded to a kan.
Offset of player the tile was called from.
The tile which is not part of the pon.
A tile in the pon / 4.
Which tile out of the three was called.
0 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Base Tile | | |
| and | 0 |Who|
| Called Tile | | |
--------------- - --- - - - ---
Base Tile and Called Tile:
Base * 4 Called
Offset of player the tile was called from or 0 for a closed kan.
A tile in the kan / 4.
Which tile out of the four was called.