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Tinder API documentation



I do not work for Tinder or any of the companies listed in this document. This documentation is highly inspired in documentations already found at,, charliewolf/pynder#141, API.apib,

Even though these documents are very good, I wanted to create one that was not only up to date and complete (all the endpoints that I could gather) but also documented following the OpenAPI standard.


In the following sections you'll find a detailed description of the three main calls to the Tinder API (Like, Pass, Recomendations). The remaining API calls you can find in the tinder-api-swagger.yaml file.

How to use

To see the tinder-api-swagger.yaml documentation in action visit its GitHub Page at


  • Tinder charges more from people older than 30 years old.
  • Tinder uses no only the Google's captcha but also ones given by the company called Arkose Labs.
  • In the not paid Tinder version you can like up to 100 people a day.
  • Tinder does not verify if your phone number is registered with them when you ask for an OTP code, they simply send the code.
  • Your account is linked with the phone number, not with the e-mail, not with your facebook account.
  • You cannot change your name, age and gender after registration.
  • The obvious one: rich and beauty people gain a lot of more likes. In a test, I registered as 43 years old doctor that worked in an very respected hospital where I live, no photo and a very minimal description. Around 30 womem matched with my profile and sent me messages starting the conversation. And don't even get me started with relates to girls, as a resume: one photo (beauty girl from internet), no description, resulting in hundreds of guys liking the profile, including lots of super likes.
  • You can change your location whitout paying for it, just use the ping api endpoint. I didn't bother to test how much you have to abuse it to get you trouble.
  • The maximum search radius is 100 miles (retarded units) or ~160 kilometers.
  • If they run low of people for you to like/dislike, they you leave you with a soft block with a timeout of 30 minutes.
  • Every button you click generates a event that is sent to Google analytics.
  • Needs to check but it seems that Tinder extract all uploaded image's metadata.
  • The marjority of the requests needs only the X-Auth-Token token to be sent.
  • They store all important information in the local storage.
  • If your sesssion exprires just use the refresh_token (local storage) to generate another one. The generation of a new token will lead to the generation of a new refresh_token, both are going to be returned in the response of the api call. The token has a life span of 24 hours.
  • If you register and deletes your account a number of times then you'll get a perma block (there is a tinder code for it, don't remember now).

Other references




Call it to like a user. In the Tinder app the like action is performed every time you swipe right or click/touch the green 'Heart' button.

Request Header

The required fields are: X-Auth-Token.

    Accept: 'application/json',
    app-session-id: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',
    app-session-time-elapsed: ''.
    app-version: '',
    Origin: '',
    persistent-device-id: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',
    platform: 'web',
    Referer: '',
    User-Agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36',
    user-session-id: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',
    user-session-time-elapsed: '',
    X-Auth-Token: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',
    x-supported-image-formats: 'webp,jpeg'
Request Parameters

The required request params are: tinder_user_id.

    tinder_user_id: ''
Request Query Parameters

The is no required query parameter.

    locale: '',
    s_number: ''
Response Header
    access-control-allow-credentials: true
    access-control-allow-headers: "Accept,Authorization,Cache-Control,Content-Type,DNT,If-Modified-Since,Keep-Alive,Origin,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,platform,app-version,X-Auth-Token,x-accountkit-validation-code,token,fast-match-count,x-supported-image-formats,device_id,install-id,persistent-device-id,promo-code,campaign-name,app-session-id,app-session-time-elapsed,user-session-id,user-session-time-elapsed,advertising-id"
    access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS,
    access-control-allow-origin: "",
    content-encoding: "gzip",
    content-length: 844,
    content-type: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    date: "Mon, 22 Apr 2019 04:14:32 GMT",
    status: 200,
    vary: "Accept-Encoding, Origin",
    via: "1.1 (CloudFront)",
    x-amz-cf-id: "vHroTpDBPuyZUCaaHOTEju-Dn0F7D2BVsk35vEH22DeCx8GBoiMq_Q==",
    x-cache: "Miss from cloudfront",
    x-request-id: "007t9a7rfct4e5u2nudg"
Response Body

The request body is something still not fully undertood, what is the 'X-Padding' json object property? What does it mean?

    "X-Padding":"{*meta*:{*code*:200,*requestId*:*59a45921351e3d43b07028b5*},*response*:{*venue*:{*id*:*412d2800f964a520df0c1fe3*,*name*:*Central Park*,*contact*:{*phone*:*2123106600*,*formattedPhone*:*(212) 310-6600*,*twitter*:*centralparknyc*,*instagram*:*centralparknyc*,*facebook*:*37965424481*,*facebookUsername*:*centralparknyc*,*facebookName*:*Central Park*},*location*:{*address*:*59th St to 110th St*,*crossStreet*:*5th Ave to Central Park West*,*lat*:40.78408342593807,*lng*:-73.96485328674316,*postalCode*:*10028*,*cc*:*US*,*city*:*New York*,*state*:*NY*,*country*:*United States*,*formattedAddress*:[*59th St to 110th St (5th Ave to Central Park West)*,*New York, NY 10028*,*United States*]},*canonicalUrl*:**,*categories*:[{*id*:*4bf58dd8d48988d163941735*,*name*:*Park*,*pluralName*:*Parks*,*shortName*:*Park*,*icon*:{*prefix*:**,*suffix*:*.png*},*primary*:true}],*verified*:true,*stats*:{*checkinsCount*:364591,*usersCount*:311634,*tipCount*:1583,*visitsCount*:854553},*url*:**,*likes*:{*count*:17370,*summary*:*17370 Likes*},*rating*:9.8,*ratingColor*:*00B551*,*ratingSignals*:18854,*beenHere*:{*count*:0,*unconfirmedCount*:0,*marked*:false,*lastCheckinExpiredAt*:0},*photos*:{*count*:26681,*groups*:[{*type*:*venue*,*name*:*Venue photos*,*count*:26681,*items*:[{*id*:*513bd223e4b0e8ef8292ee54*,*createdAt*:1362874915,*source*:{*name*:*Instagram*,*url*:*http:/"

Pass (Dislike)[tinder_user_id]

Call it to pass an user. In the Tinder app the pass action is performed every time you swipe left or touch/click in the red 'X' button.


Request Header

    Access-Control-Request-Headers: "app-session-id,app-session-time-elapsed,app-version,persistent-device-id,platform,user-session-id,user-session-time-elapsed,x-auth-token,x-supported-image-formats",
    Access-Control-Request-Method: "GET",
    Origin: "",
    Referer: "",
    User-Agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36"

Response Header

    access-control-allow-credentials: true,
    access-control-allow-headers: "Accept,Authorization,Cache-Control,Content-Type,DNT,If-Modified-Since,Keep-Alive,Origin,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,platform,app-version,X-Auth-Token,x-accountkit-validation-code,token,fast-match-count,x-supported-image-formats,device_id,install-id,persistent-device-id,promo-code,campaign-name,app-session-id,app-session-time-elapsed,user-session-id,user-session-time-elapsed,advertising-id",
    access-control-allow-methods: "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS",
    access-control-allow-origin: "",
    access-control-max-age: 1728000,
    date: "Mon, 22 Apr 2019 04:13:47 GMT",
    status: 204,
    via: "1.1 (CloudFront)",
    x-amz-cf-id: "CSl6In0QRBzUXKtJZ1ZkDVXQSpa5e_Fmo9Hm7TF4AUOxIUELmbgq_A==",
    x-cache: "Miss from cloudfront",
    x-request-id: 007sshvqck4upbk2cvdg

Recs Core


Request Header

    Accept: "application/json"
    Origin: "",
    platform: "web",
    Referer: "",
    User-Agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36",
    x-supported-image-formats: "webp,jpeg",
    user-session-id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    user-session-time-elapsed: 1575424,
    X-Auth-Token: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    app-session-id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    app-session-time-elapsed: 1601714,
    app-version: 1020343,
    persistent-device-id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"

Response Header

    access-control-allow-credentials: true,
    access-control-allow-headers: "Accept,Authorization,Cache-Control,Content-Type,DNT,If-Modified-Since,Keep-Alive,Origin,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,platform,app-version,X-Auth-Token,x-accountkit-validation-code,token,fast-match-count,x-supported-image-formats,device_id,install-id,persistent-device-id,promo-code,campaign-name,app-session-id,app-session-time-elapsed,user-session-id,user-session-time-elapsed,advertising-id",
    access-control-allow-methods: "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS",
    access-control-allow-origin: "",
    content-encoding: "gzip",
    content-length: 26749,
    content-type: "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
    date: "Mon, 22 Apr 2019 04:16:43 GMT",
    status: 200,
    via: "1.1 (CloudFront)",
    x-amz-cf-id: "kqyXnzFvYTu2rbq6e7QDcjMAhp6EXTMmUkHNvMm401kVPvXarXLb1Q==",
    x-cache: "Miss from cloudfront",
    x-request-id: "007t55bcqdutqs79ds00"

Response Body

                "name":"Thalia silva",





                "bio":"Instagram: milladeandrade",
                        "name":"FEA USP"


            "string":"FEA USP"
                "string":"FEA USP"
                "string":"21 Instagram Photos"
            "bio":"@ggabriellapv\n\naqua   ||   jan.00",

                    "name":"Medicina Veterinária\n"


                    "name":"All My Love - 1990 Remaster",
                        "name":"In Through The Out Door",
                            "name":"Led Zeppelin"
            "string":"Medicina Veterinária\n"
                "string":"Medicina Veterinária\n"
                "string":"27 Instagram Photos"

                    "name":"faculdade de direito\n\n\n\n\n\n"


            "string":"faculdade de direito\n\n\n\n\n\n"
                "string":"faculdade de direito\n\n\n\n\n\n"



            "bio":"Insta @maalcantar.a\nEstudante de administração, Gamer, Cinéfila\nCurto ver um futebol(timão\uD83D\uDDA4), sair com as amigas e dar risada.",
            "name":"Maria Alcântara",

                    "name":"Esags Strong FGV"


            "string":"Esags Strong FGV"
                "string":"Esags Strong FGV"





            "bio":"@maariana_o \uD83C\uDF37",




                    "name":"Milky Chance",
                        "name":"Stolen Dance",
                            "name":"Milky Chance"
                    "name":"Twenty One Pilots",
                        "name":"Jumpsuit / Nico And The Niners",
                            "name":"Twenty One Pilots"
                    "name":"Imagine Dragons",
                        "name":"Born To Be Yours",
                        "name":"Born To Be Yours",
                            "name":"Imagine Dragons"
                    "name":"The Chainsmokers",
                            "name":"The Chainsmokers"
                "name":"Take Me to Church",
                    "name":"Hozier (Bonus Tracks Version)",
                "string":"32 Instagram Photos"
                "string":"4 Top Spotify Artists"

                    "name":"Universidade Nove de Julho"


            "string":"Universidade Nove de Julho"
                "string":"Universidade Nove de Julho"
            "bio":"18, nĂŁo 20.",





            "bio":"Sem receios por favor ❣️\n ",



            "bio":"Insta: THAYMATHYS segue lá ❤️",




                    "name":"Hungria Hip Hop",
                        "name":"Coração de Aço",
                        "name":"Coração de Aço - Single",
                            "name":"Hungria Hip Hop"
                    "name":"Jorge & Mateus",
                            "name":"Jorge & Mateus"
                    "name":"Tribo da Periferia",
                        "name":"Nem Foi Combinado (5Âş Ăšltimo)",
                        "name":"Nem Foi Combinado (5Âş Ăšltimo)",
                            "name":"Tribo da Periferia"
                    "name":"Henrique & Juliano",
                        "name":"De Trás Pra Frente - Ao Vivo",
                        "name":"O CĂ©u Explica Tudo (Ao Vivo)",
                            "name":"Henrique & Juliano"
                "name":"One Dance",
            "teaser": {  
                    "string":"4 Top Spotify Artists"
                        "name":"Estudante de Medicina"
                    "name":"Universidade Nove de Julho"


                "string":"Estudante de Medicina"
                    "string":"Estudante de Medicina"
                    "string":"Universidade Nove de Julho"

                    "name":"Faculdade SĂŁo Judas Tadeu"


            "string":"Faculdade SĂŁo Judas Tadeu"
                "string":"Faculdade SĂŁo Judas Tadeu"




                "string":"2 Instagram Photos"









                "string":"430 Instagram Photos"