A simulated inchworm robot trained via reinforcement learning
By Nathan McCutchen
Forked from gwholland3/InchwormRL by Schuyler Fenton, Grant Holland, Nathan McCutchen, and Ishan Meher
This project is rebooted for CSC 580 at Cal Poly, taught by Dr. Franz Kurfess
We used the following external resources in our project.
MuJoCo physics engine: https://mujoco.readthedocs.io/en/stable/overview.html
Gymnasium RL framework: https://gymnasium.farama.org/
Stable Baselines3 RL algorithms: https://stable-baselines3.readthedocs.io/en/master/index.html
At the time of writing this, there is a bug in the mujoco rendering file. If you encounter the following error, you need to navigate to mujoco_rendering.py
in the gymnasium package on your local file system and replace the instance of solver_iter
with nsolver_iter
as the error suggests, and save your change.
This is the error:
AttributeError: 'mujoco._structs.MjData' object has no attribute 'solver_iter'. Did you mean: 'solver_niter'?
Since I use a virtual environment, the relative path to my mujoco_rendering.py
file is InchwormRL/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gymnasium/envs/mujoco/mujoco_rendering.py
Follow these instructions to set up the codebase locally.
Run your favorite version of the git clone command on this repo. One version:
git clone https://github.com/N8WM/InchwormRL.git
This code was developed and run on Python 3.10.10
, but most likely any version of Python 3.10
will do. Make sure you have an appropriate version installed locally.
We recommend doing this in a fresh Python virtual environment. Cd into the repo and run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Working Model
As of 4/7/24, there is one successful model trained with the SAC algorithm in the saved_models
directory. You can run this model with the following command:
python3 run_environment.py -rsem inchworm4.2_sac -a sac
Other Options
Our whole project has a single entry point, run_environment.py
. You can control the functionality via command-line arguments to Python script.
Run an existing trained model (inchworm4.2_sac) and print evaluation data:
python3 run_environment.py -rsem inchworm4.2_sac -a sac
Run an existing trained model (inchworm2.1_td3) on the old Inchworm environment and print evaluation data:
python3 run_environment.py -rsoem inchworm2.1_td3
Train a new model (inchworm5.0_td3) with 10,000,000 timesteps:
python3 run_environment.py -tm inchworm5.0_td3 -T 10000000
usage: run_environment.py [-h] (-t | -r | -R | -c) [-m MODEL_NAME] [-a ALGORITHM] [-s] [-e] [-o]
Run or train an agent to control an inchworm robot
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Functional arguments (mutually exclusive):
-t, --train train a new/existing model in test_models/ with the TD3 algorithm
-r, --run run a model with the TD3 algorithm
-R, --random run the environment with random actions
-c, --control run the environment with user control
Training and running arguments:
-m MODEL_NAME, --model-name MODEL_NAME
name of the model to run (minus the .zip extension)
algorithm to use for training/running model, either sac or td3 (default: td3)
Running arguments:
-s, --saved-dir whether the model will be/is in the saved_models/ directory (otherwise test_models/)
-e, --eval whether to print out evaluation data while running the simulation
-o, --old-model whether the model was trained with the old version of the Inchworm environment
Training arguments:
total number of timesteps to train the model for (default: 1,000,000)
learning rate for training the model (default: 0.0003)