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Small, lightweight library and app to handle authentication for client applications. Big advantage is utilization of popup windows to authenticate apps within iframes. This library only supports implicit logins for use within a front-end web application.


npm add genesys-cloud-client-auth
# or
yarn add genesys-cloud-client-auth

Or you can download directly from the browser:

NOTE: that since v1.0.0, you must specify the major version to download from the CDN. See v1.0.0's BREAKING CHANGES in the for more details.

<!-- change out the domain if desired -->
<script src=""></script>


import { GenesysCloudClientAuthenticator, authenticatorFactory, IAuthData } from 'genesys-cloud-client-auth';

const clientId = 'Your Oauth ClientID';
const authenticator: GenesysCloudClientAuthenticator = authenticatorFactory(clientId, {
  /* these are the defaults */
  environment: '',
  persist: false,
  storageKey: 'gc_client_auth_data',
  debugMode: false

  redirectUri: '', // whatever valid redirect URI is configured for your Oauth client
  state: '', // optional state to return after authentication
  /* All optional – see the advanced usage and/or API section for these – defaults listed below */
  org: '',
  provider: '',
  usePopupAuth: false,
  popupTimeout: 15000
}).then((data: IAuthData) => {
  /* data will contain authentication information like accessToken */
}).catch(error => {
  /* authentication failed */

Popup Auth

For applications that are iframed into a parent application, some identity providers will prevent authentication within an iframe using the X-Frame-Options. To work around this issue the iframed application can open a popup window and localStorage to perform the authentication.

Auth Flow Using Popup

Iframed App        Redirect App          Login
   |                    |                  |
   |------- (1) -------------------------->|
   |                    |                  |
   |                    |<------ (2) ------|
   |                    |                  |
   |<------ (3) --------|                  |
  1. The Iframed app will initiate a login by opening a new popup window with the url to the login page. It will then setup a listener on localStorage events.
  2. Once authenticated, the login page will redirect to the "Redirect App" (more on this below).
  3. The Redirect App will parse the authentication data and save it to localStorage triggering a localStorage event which the Iframed App is listening on. The Redirect App should then close itself.

IMPORTANT: If you are going to utilize the helper application located at https://apps.{domain}/client-auth, make sure to add it to your Oauth Client's approved redirects.

Popup Auth Usage

import { GenesysCloudClientAuthenticator, authenticatorFactory, IAuthData } from 'genesys-cloud-client-auth';

const clientId = 'Your Oauth ClientID';
const authenticator: GenesysCloudClientAuthenticator = authenticatorFactory(clientId, {
  environment: '',
  persist: true, // this is required to use popup auth
  storageKey: 'gc_client_auth_data',
  debugMode: false // setting to `true` for popup auth will help with debugging

  // if left falsy, the `https://apps.{env}/client-auth/` app will be used for the redirectUri
  // else, your redirect will need to implement the parsing of the token (see next step)
  redirectUri: '',
  usePopupAuth: true,
  popupTimeout: 15000 // default amount
}).then((data: IAuthData) => {
  /* data will contain authentication information like accessToken */
}).catch(error => {
  /* authentication failed */
  if ( === 'TIMEOUT_ERROR') {
    // this error will trigger after the `popupTimeout` expires without valid auth data saved
    //  this could be an indication that the user has popups blocked
    //  you will need to add application logic to handle these errors

If you are not using the default redirect to /client-auth, then your redirect application can use the following function to perform the necessary parsing and saving to localStorage:

import { handleRedirectFromLogin } from 'genesys-cloud-client-auth';

try {
  // this will parse and save auth data to localStorage
} catch (error) {
  // it could error for multiple reasons.
  //  mainly, if the auth hash is not present
  //  or if there is no storage ID as the state field

It can also be used directly in the HTML:

<script src=""></script>
try {
  console.log('Successfully parsed params from hash');
} catch (error) {
  console.warn(`Error parsing auth params from hash – ${}: "${error.message}"`);

The redirectUri is very important here. There are two options: 1. If no redirectUri is provided, client-auth will redirect to https://{domain}/client-auth. If this method is used, make sure your Oauth client whitelists https://{domain}/client-auth as a valid redirectUri. 1. If a redirectUri is provided, it can use the handleRedirectFromLogin() function listed below to perform the necessary parsing and saving to localStorage (more on that in step 2).



Factory function to generate a singleton instance of a ClientAuthenticator class. If an instance has already been created for passed in clientId, that instance will be returned without updating the original configuration.


authenticatorFactory: (clientId: string, config: Partial<IAuthenticatorConfig>) => GenesysCloudClientAuthenticator;


  • client: string – Oauth Client ID
  • config: Partial<IAuthenticatorConfig> – Optional; configuration for the ClientAuthenticator instance. Available options (with defaults):
    interface IAuthenticatorConfig {
       * Genesys Cloud domain.
      * Defaults to: `''`
      environment: string;
       * Persist authentication data to localStorage.
      * Note: this is required if using popup authentication
      * Defaults to: `false`
      persist: boolean;
       * Storage key to save auth data to localStorage.
      * Defaults to: `gc_client_auth_data`
      storageKey: string;
       * Allow for extra console logs for debugging
      * Defaults to: `false`
      debugMode: boolean;

Returns: Singleton GenesysCloudClientAuthenticator instance


Class to manage authentication and state. It is recommended to use the authenticatorFactory to construct a singleton instance of this class.



Oauth client id


client-auth version


current authencation data for this instance. default is an empty object {}. Definition:

interface IAuthData {
  /** access token received from login */
  accessToken?: string;
  /** optional state returned from login */
  state?: string;
  /** time at which the token expires */
  tokenExpiryTime?: number;
  /** time at which the token expires  in ISO string format */
  tokenExpiryTimeString?: string;
  /** error that may have occurred during login */
  error?: string;
  /** error description that may have occurred during login */
  error_description?: string;

current configuration for this instance


current environment. Ex.

Note: do not update this property individually. Use authenticator.setEnvironment(env: string) if updating it is necessary.


base api path – utilizing the environment varialbe


base auth path – utilizing the environment varialbe



Construct a new Authenticator instance. It is recommended you use the authenticatorFactory() to construct a singleton for each necessary Oauth client.


constructor (clientId: string, config: Partial<IAuthenticatorConfig> = {});


  • client: string – Oauth Client ID
  • config: Partial<IAuthenticatorConfig> – Optional; configuration for the ClientAuthenticator instance. See authenticatorFactory() for more details.

Returns: GenesysCloudClientAuthenticator instance


Initiates the implicit grant login flow. Will attempt to load the token from local storage, if enabled.


loginImplicitGrant(opts?: ILoginOptions, existingAuthData?: IAuthData): Promise<IAuthData | undefined>;


  • opts: ILoginOptions – Options to login with
    interface ILoginOptions {
      * The redirect URI of the OAuth Implicit Grant client. Not needed if `usePopupAuth: true` _and_
      *  the consuming application wishes to use the standard redirect of genesys-cloud-client-auth
      *  standalone app.
      redirectUri?: string;
      * Any state needed when returning from login
      state?: string;
      * The organization name that would normally used when specifying an organization name when logging in.
      *  This is only used when a provider is also specified.
      org?: string;
      * Authentication provider to log in with e.g. okta, adfs, salesforce, onelogin.
      *  This is only used when an org is also specified.
      provider?: string;
      * Use a popup window to open to the login page.
      usePopupAuth?: boolean;
      * Timeout for how long the auth pop should remain open before timing out
      *  and rejecting the loginImplicitGrant call. This is only used in conjunction
      *  with `usePopupAuth`.
      popupTimeout?: number;
  • existingAuthData?: IAuthData – Optional; authentication data to use. default will be parsed from url hash

Returns: promise containing IAuthData (see authenticator.authData for definition)


Sets the environment, baseUrl, and authUrl used by the session


setEnvironment(environment?: string): void;


  • environment?: string –  (Optional, default "") Environment the instance uses, e.g.,, etc.

Returns: void


Will clear current auth data from localStorage.

NOTE: this will not log the user out. Using logout() for logging out


clearAuthData(): void;

Params: none

Returns: void


Clears auth data from localStorage and redirects the user to the GenesysCloud logout page


logout(logoutRedirectUri?: string): void;


  • logoutRedirectUri?: string – Optional, redirectUri to pass to the logout page

Returns: void


Sets the access token on the authenticator instance and localStorage (if configured)


setAccessToken(token: string): void;


  • token: string – The access token

Returns: void


Test an accessToken by using it to make an API call. It will resolve if the token is valid, and will reject if it is not valid.


testAccessToken(token: string): Promise<any>;


  • token: string – accessToken to test

Returns: promise that will resolve or reject depending on the validity of the token passed in


Parses an ISO-8601 string representation of a date value.


parseDate (str: string): Date;


  • str: string – The date value as a string.

Returns: The parsed date object.


Helper function to parse the auth data opened from a popup authentication window. It will save the auth data to localStorage.

Note: this will throw errors if it cannot parse or save the data correctly


handleRedirectFromLogin: () => void;

Params: none

Returns: void


Utility functions to supplement and extend usage.


Utility to parse the auth data returned from the login page and return authentication data as an object.

Note: this will throw errors if it cannot parse or save the data correctly


parseOauthParams: (hash?: string): IAuthData;


  • hash?: string – Optional; hash to parse (default window.location.hash)

Returns: authentication data parsed from the passed in hash


Determine when a token was issued at by subtracting the validity time from the expires at time.


tokenWasIssuedAt (expiresAtMs: number, expiresInMs: number): number;


  • expiresAtMs: number – epoch time (in milliseconds) for when the token will expire
  • expiresInMs: number – milliseconds for how long the token is valid for

Returns: milliseconds since epoch time


Determine if a token was issued within a given timeframe window. Example may be: a token is received (either from localStorage or some other way) and you need to be able to tell if it was issued within the last 10 minutes. Use this function as follows:

const tokenExpiryTime = 1624611600000; // "2021-06-25 09:00.000Z"
const tokenExpiresIn  = 86400000; // 1 day: meaning token was issuedAt "2021-06-24 09:00.000Z"
const timeframe = 600000; // 10 minutes
const startTime = 1624525260000; // "2021-06-24 09:01.000Z": 1 minute after issued time

const willBeTrue = isIssuedTimeWithinTimeframe(


isIssuedTimeWithinTimeframe: (expiresAtMs: number, expiresInMs?: number, timeframe?: number, startTime?: number) => boolean;


  • expiresAtMs: number – epoch time (in milliseconds) for when the token will expire
  • expiresInMs?: number – Optional; milliseconds for how long the token is valid for (default 691199500)
  • timeframe?: number – Optional; timeframe (in milliseconds) to check if the token was issued within
  • startTime?: number – Optional; time to count timeframe back from (in epoch time). Default is

Returns: boolean of whether the token was issued within the given timeframe (from now)


  1. Most browsers will not allow the redirect app to close the window. They will log: Scripts may close only the windows that were opened by them. to the console and keep the window open.


Need to add an "storage_key_expires_at" and then clean those up. So there aren't tons of gc-ca_{uuid}s in localStorage.