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Mubin edited this page Jun 14, 2024 · 10 revisions

Before you begin installation, let's talk how MinimalSwayFX works. MinimalSwayFX takes advantages of C to tackle problem of "How can a rice support multiple themes?". This is done logically to figure out which theme to use, and, some configuration provided by the user. The configuration for the rice is in config.hpp file. We shall walk through the installation process one step at a time:

Cloning the repository

If you just do a git clone on the repo it may take time as the repo is over 60MB. So I recommend you shallow clone it with this command:

git clone --depth=1


First, you must install the required dependencies for MinimalSwayFX. Here is the list of them:

  • Sway/Swayfx, if you want cool effects such as blur, shadows, rounded corners, etc. then choose Swayfx. And if you want to target performance, It's better to go for Sway.
  • Mako, the notification manager for Sway/Swayfx.
  • Tofi, an application launcher for Sway/Swayfx.
  • Waybar/i3status, the bar for the rice, it could be waybar if you prefer better looks, and i3status if you want to focus on performence.
  • Alacritty, the terminal used in this rice.
  • Fish, the shell for Alacritty.
  • Eza, a better version of ls.

Configuring MinimalSwayFX

First you shall have a look at config.hpp file in the root of the project. In contains everything you need to know about the rice with comments to know what each settings does. Before you do so, you need to read the warning at the top of the file. As it's really important, here's what it says:

 * Only change the config meaning
 * change the options after `=`.
 * Don't change anything before
 * `=` as they mean the data types.
 * Don't remove the msfx_ prefix of
 * any variables otherwise you have
 * to remove it else where as well.
 * If you're using Nvim with C   LSP
 * it may show ODR Violation warning.
 * It's not that big of a concern,
 * so, just ignore it.
 * */

Writing Config

Lastly, if you want to write the config to your system after the configuration of config.hpp, just run make && ./installer at the root of the project and the installer writes the config for sway/swayfx, mako, tofi, waybar/i3status, alacritty and fish.

Thanks for choosing MinimalSwayFX.
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