- Supports Telnet and SSH protocols
- Implements connection protection for Telnet, noone will be able to kick you from device when you're working
- Template support
- Create Templates for any device.
- Use variable support to make templates more agile.
- Coming Soon share template with one-liner generate by the app.
- Coming soon combine multiple template in one big template and push it to multiple devices
- Universal break function, no need to memorize different key combinations to break into rommon/loader/bios, this feature will break it automatically and stop once inside.
- Disable AutoScrolling, helps when you want to see the output but the device is constantly outputting to the console.
git clone https://github.com/MrAntonS/Convenient-Networking
cd Convenient-Networking
python -m pip install pipenv
python -m pipenv install
After that you should be able to just run
pipenv run python ./src/main/MainWindow.py
Or alternatively you could compile it to exe file
pipenv run pyinstaller --noconfirm --onefile --windowed --specpath ./src/output/ --distpath ./src/output/ --workpath ./src/output/build -n ConvNet "./src/main/MainWindow.py"
Contributions are always welcome! To contribute potential features or bug-fixes:
- Fork this repository
- Apply any changes and/or additions based off an existing issue (or create a new issue for the feature/fix you are working on)
- Create a pull request to have your changes reviewed and merged