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Rob Garrison edited this page Jul 14, 2020 · 26 revisions

Options: language | display | wheelMessage | comboRegex | combos | rtl (right-to-left) | Example


  • Location: There is a a source languages folder which is processed, compressed and copied into the dist/languages folder (don't edit the language files here because they will be over-written).

  • File name: The language file name and definition within each layout file is set to use the ISO 639-1 code for the language. For example, for the Albanian language, the code is "sq".

  • Partially complete: Some language files that have been partially complete will include untranslated in the file name, e.g. ar.untranslated.js. Any help in translating these files would be greatly appreciated.

  • Missing: If the language file is missing, then create the file using the aforementioned naming convention and copy/paste the content of the _language_template.js file into the new file and modify it as needed.

  • Content: Each block within this language definition is described in more detail below.

    jQuery.keyboard.language.sq = {
    	display      : [Object],
    	wheelMessage : [String],
    	comboRegex   : [RegExp],
    	combos       : [Object],
    	rtl          : [Boolean]

language [String]

  • If set to a matching ISO 639-1 code, the language setting from that language will override the layout set language.
  • Default is null to allow the layout set language to be used.

display - [Object]

  • Use button language, symbol options or add custom HTML, like an img element (added in v1.25.23; updated in v1.30.0).

  • Change the displayed button text by modifying the value, in the 'key':'value' pair, with the text or symbol you want to use.

  • The value portion can have another colon ":" inside (e.g. '\u21e5:Tab'). Anything left of the colon will appear on the virtual keyboard button. Anything to the right will be added to the title and appear while hovering over the button.

  • The default values are shown in the following list. The abbreviated names contain only a symbol so as to fit the layout style as desired:

    • 'a' : '\u2714:Accept (Shift-Enter)' - Alternate accept button - unicode for check mark symbol
    • 'accept' : 'Accept:Accept (Shift-Enter)' - Accept button text
    • 'alt' : 'AltGr:Alternate Graphemes' - Alt button text (AltGr is for international key sets)
    • 'b' : '\u2190:Backspace' - Alternate backspace button - unicode for left arrow. Same as ←
    • 'bksp' : 'Bksp:Backspace' - Backspace button text
    • 'c' : '\u2716:Cancel (Esc)' - Alternate cancel button - unicode for big X
    • 'cancel' : 'Cancel:Cancel (Esc) - Cancel button text
    • 'clear' : 'C:Clear' - Clear window content (used in num pad)
    • 'combo' : '\u00f6:Toggle Combo Keys' - Toggle combo (diacritic) key
    • 'dec' : '.:Decimal' - Decimal point for num pad (optional), change '.' to ',' for European format
    • 'e' : '\u21b5:Enter' - Alternate enter button - unicode for down, then left arrow (enter symbol)
    • 'empty' : '\u00a0' - Empty button (non-breaking space)
    • 'enter' : 'Enter:Enter' - Enter button text
    • 'left' : '\u2190' - Left arrow (move caret)
    • 'lock' : '\u21ea Lock:Caps Lock' - Caps lock button - unicode for double lined up arrow
    • 'next' : 'Next \u21e8' - Go to next input/textarea
    • 'prev' : '\u21e6 Prev' - Go to previous input/textarea
    • 'right' : '\u2192' - Right arrow (move caret)
    • 's' : '\u21e7:Shift' - Alternate shift button - unicode for a thick up arrow
    • 'shift' : 'Shift:Shift' - Shift button text
    • 'sign' : '\u00b1:Change Sign' - Change sign (used in num pad) - unicode for a - symbol
    • 'space' : ' :Space' - Space button text
    • 't' : '\u21e5:Tab' - Alternate tab button - unicode for right arrow to bar (used since only one directional tabs available)
    • 'tab' : '\u21e5 Tab:Tab' - Tab button text (Note: \u21b9 is the true tab symbol (left & right arrows) but not used here)
    • 'toggle' : ' ' - Toggle keyboard (replaced by a background image; used to enable or disable all keys & input)
  • In v1.25.9, the following default values were added. This content is only shown in the title of the key to show the state of the key:

    • 'valid' : 'valid' - Added to the accept key title when acceptValid is true & the validate function returns true.
    • 'invalid' : 'invalid' - Added to the accept key title when acceptValid is true & the validate function returns false.
    • 'active' : 'active' - Added to the combo key title when combo keys are active (useCombos is true).
    • 'disabled' : 'disabled' - Added to the combo key title when combo keys are disabled (useCombos is false).
  • In v1.25.23, basic HTML can be added to any display value, e.g

    display: {
      'emotes' : '<img src="">'
  • In v1.30.0, the display option will allow adding raw HTML (action keys only). The entry will now not be processed, so any colons (:) in the string will be ignored. E.g,

    display: {
      'red': '<span style="color:red">Red</span>'

    The resulting key's HTML will look something like this (trucated for readability):

    <button class="ui-keyboard-red" ...>
      <span class="ui-keyboard-text">
        <span style="color:red">Red</span>

wheelMessage - [String]

  • Message to tell users about the hidden feature.
  • This message is only added when a key on the keyboard is hovered over.
  • The text is added to the title attribute of the key, so if you want to have a tooltip attached to it. You will probably need a 'live' tooltip that targets the 'ui-keyboard-button' class.
  • The default (English) message is 'Use mousewheel to see other keys'.

comboRegex - [RegExp]

  • Include any additional combo keys used for the language within this regular expression.
  • This regular expression will override the default from $.keyboard.comboRegex.
  • The default contained within the $.keyboard.comboRegex is /([`\'~\^\"ao])([a-z])/mig.

combos - [Object]

  • Add desired combo keys using this format

    combos : {
        '/' : { d:"\u0111", D:"\u0110", l:"\u0142", L:"\u0141" } // stroke đ Đ ł Ł
  • The "key" is a forward-slash ('/') in the above example.

  • The object that follows contains the symbol which when combined with the key will result in a combo, e.g. (/d becomes đ)

  • To remove any existing combos, just set the key to an empty object: "'" : {} // remove apostrophe combo

rtl - [Boolean]

  • Boolean flag indicating that a language is in the direction from right-to-left

  • This flag adds a css definition of direction: rtl when true

  • If you want the text to align to the right within the input/textarea, then define a rtl css definition:

    rtl { text-align: right; }
  • By default, this option is false.


  • This is the Albanian language file
/* Albanian keyboard layouts
 * contains layout: 'albanian-qwertz' & 'albanian-qwerty'
 * To use:
 *  Point to this js file into your page header: <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
 *  Initialize the keyboard using: jQuery('input').keyboard({ layout: 'albanian-qwertz' });
 * To do: add combos appropriate to the Albanian language
 *  missing caron, breve, ring, ogonek, double acute accent, diaeresis and cedilla accents.
 * license for this file: WTFPL, unless the source layout site has a problem with me using them as a reference

/* qwertz-albanian
 combined from, & */

jQuery.keyboard.layouts['albanian-qwertz'] = {
	'name' : 'Albanian-qwertz',
	'lang' : ['sq'],
	'default' : [
		"\\ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}",
		"{tab} q w e r t z u i o p \u00e7 '",
		"a s d f g h j k l \u00eb [ ] {enter}",
		"{shift} < y x c v b n m , . / {shift}",
		"{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"
	'shift' : [
		'| ! " # $ % ^ & * ( ) _   {bksp}',
		"{tab} Q W E R T Z U I O P \u00c7 @",
		"A S D F G H J K L \u00cb { } {enter}",
		"{shift} > Y X C V B N M ; : ? {shift}",
		"{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"
	'alt' : [
		"\\ ~ \u02c7 ^ \u02d8 \u00b0 \u02db ` \u02d9 \u00b4 \u02dd \u00a8 \u00b8 {bksp}",
		"{tab} q w \u20ac r t z u i o p \u00f7 \u00d7",
		"\u00e4 \u0111:Shortcut_(\/d) \u0110:Shortcut_(\/D) f g h j \u0142:Shortcut_(\/l) \u0141:Shortcut_(\/L) $ \u00df \u00a4 {enter}",
		"{shift} < y x c @ { } \u00a7 < > / {shift}",
		"{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"

/* based on */
jQuery.keyboard.layouts['albanian-qwerty'] = {
	'name' : 'Albanian-qwerty',
	'lang' : ['sq'],
	'default' : [
		"` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}",
		"{tab} q w e r t y u i o p \u00eb '",
		"a s d f g h j k l ; \u00e7 # {enter}",
		"{shift} \\ z x c v b n m , . / {shift}",
		"{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"],
	'shift' : [
		'\u00ac ! " \u00a7 $ % ^ & * ( ) _   {bksp}',
		"{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P \u00cb @",
		"A S D F G H J K L : \u00c7 ~ {enter}",
		"{shift} \u00a6 Z X C V B N M < > ? {shift}",
		"{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"
	'alt' : [
		"| 1 2 3 4 5 6 { } [ ] - = {bksp}",
		"{tab} q w \u20ac r t y u i o p \u00f7 \u00d7",
		"a s d f g h j k l ; \u00e7 # {enter}",
		"{shift} \\ z x c v b n m , . / {shift}",
		"{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"
	'alt-shift' : [
		'| ! " \u00a7 $ % ^ & * ( ) _   {bksp}',
		"{tab} Q W \u20AC R T Y U I O P \u00cb @",
		"A S D F G H J K L : \u00c7 ~ {enter}",
		"{shift} \u00a6 Z X C V B N M < > ? {shift}",
		"{accept} {alt} {space} {alt} {cancel}"

// Keyboard Language
// please update this section to match this language and email me with corrections!
// sq = ISO 639-1 code for Albanian
// ***********************
jQuery.keyboard.language.sq = {
	display : {
		'a'      : '\u2714:Prano (Shift-Enter)', // check mark - same action as accept
		'accept' : 'Prano:Prano (Shift-Enter)',
		'alt'    : 'Alt:Alternativ',
		'b'      : '\u2190:Hapësirën Mbrapa',    // Left arrow (same as &larr;)
		'bksp'   : 'Bksp:Hapësirën Mbrapa',
		'c'      : '\u2716:Anuloj (Arratisjes)', // big X, close - same action as cancel
		'cancel' : 'Anuloj:Anuloj (Arratisjes)',
		'clear'  : 'C:Qartë',             // clear num pad
		'combo'  : '\u00f6:Kombinimi',
		'dec'    : '.:Decimal',           // decimal point for num pad (optional), change '.' to ',' for European format
		'e'      : '\u21b5:Shkruani',        // down, then left arrow - enter symbol
		'enter'  : 'Shkruani:Shkruani',
		'lock'   : '\u21ea Bllokoj:Caps Lock', // caps lock
		's'      : '\u21e7:Ndryshim',        // thick hollow up arrow
		'shift'  : 'Ndryshim:Ndryshim',
		'sign'   : '\u00b1:Ndryshimi Regjistrohu',  //  /- sign for num pad
		'space'  : '&nbsp;:Hapësirë',
		't'      : '\u21e5:Tab',          // right arrow to bar (used since this virtual keyboard works with one directional tabs)
		'tab'    : '\u21e5 Tab:Tab',      // \u21b9 is the true tab symbol (left & right arrows)
		'toggle' : ' ',                   // replaced by an image
	// Message added to the key title while hovering, if the mousewheel plugin exists
	wheelMessage : 'P\u00ebrdorimi mousewheel p\u00ebr t\u00eb par\u00eb \u00e7el\u00ebsat e tjera',

	// New combos using specific accents
	// Not sure what to do with these accents:  ˇ ˘ ˙ ° ˛ ˝
	comboRegex : /([`\'~\^\"ao\/\u00a8\u00b8])([a-z])/gim,
	combos : {
		// duplicated from regular combos, used specific accents here instead ("); \u00a8 = ¨
		'\u00a8' : { a:"\u00e4", A:"\u00c4", e:"\u00eb", E:"\u00cb", i:"\u00ef", I:"\u00cf", o:"\u00f6", O:"\u00d6", u:"\u00fc", U:"\u00dc", y:"\u00ff", Y:"\u0178" }, // umlaut/trema
		'\u00b8' : { c:"\u00e7", C:"\u00c7" }, // cedilla ç Ç

		// new combos below ( forward slash   d, forward slash   l )
		'/'      : { d:"\u0111", D:"\u0110", l:"\u0142", L:"\u0141" } // stroke đ Đ ł Ł