Hide messages and files inside an image.
Given an image and a message or a file, steganographer will hide the message or file in the bits of the image. Works best when PNGs are passed in. Will convert JPGs to PNGs because of compression. Only tested with png and jpg.
Compatiable with python 3 and up.
pip install steganographer
Hide a message in an image.
- steganographer inputImage.png -m "Message to hide."
- steganographer inputImage.png -m "Message to hide." -o outputImage.png
Reveal a hidden message.
- steganographer inputImage.png
- steganographer inputImage.png -o revealedMessage.txt
Hide a file in an image.
- steganographer inputImage.png -f fileToHide.zip
- steganographer inputImage.png -f fileToHide.zip -o fileHiddenImage.png
Reveal a file in an image.
- steganographer inputImage.png -r
- steganographer inputImage.png -r -o revealedFile.zip
After cloning have pip-tools installed and run this command to get the correct requirements.
- pip-sync dev-requirements.txt requirements.txt test-requirements.txt
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