This appcontains 14 questions
- single selection, multi-selection and text types
- a review page with ability to insert user selected survey data
- generic repository
It is a .Net 7.0, .Net Maui and Xunit app that has been created as a template that includes best practices for app development. To that end it includes the following:
Separation of Concerns: loosely coupling database and UI through the use of interfaces and MVVM architecture
DRY principles: abstractions of database operations, use of base classes
Modularity that allows for unit testing the data and business logic
Dependency Inversion: High level modules are not dependent on low level modules. The TodoSampleApp uses dependency injection, interfaces and abstraction.
- MVVM architecture
- Localization wire-up with Spanish and English
- Shell navigation
- CRUD services with local Sqlite db
- Orientation detection and change of UI (Portrait and Landscape)
Solution Name: SampleSurveyApp
SampleSurveyApp.Core Contains all data and logic-related folders, including all models, view models, services and database context for local Sqlite db. Question and Answer data must be added to the database with required information. A method is run at the beginning of the survey session to load all currently available questions and answers.
/Models - SurveyQuestionModel: contains questions, question type and all descriptive information for question - SurveyAnswerModel: contains all answers, linking field to appropriate question, navigation information for that response - SurveyModel: Contains information on created surveys - SurveyResponseModel: User selected survey responses are kept here
/ViewModels - MainPageVM - SurveyPageVM - BaseVM, Interfaces for services
/Services - Interfaces for services
SampleSurveyApp.Maui Contains all user interface folders, including all views, images and services directly related to the UI. These services include navigation between views, display messages and user preferences
- /Pages
- MainPage
- SurveyPage
- /Services
- MessageService, NavigationService, UserPreferences
- NavigationServic
- UserPreferences
- /Pages
// Not complete: Contains mocks of services with verification tests. Also, contains basic test on each view model.
- CommunityToolkit.Mvvm
- sqlite-net-pcl
- SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green
- SQLitePCLRaw.provider.dynamic_cdecl
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug
- CommunityToolkit.Maui
SampleSurveyApp.Tests (NO TESTS, YET)
- Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk
- xunit
- xunit.runner.visualstudio
- coverlet.collector
- Moq
- FluentAssertions
- .Core
- Task Extension
- Validation Rules
- Data Triggers, Event Triggers
- Shell Flyout Menu with Menu footer and header
- QueryProperty
- Use of icon library and image
- CollectionView Grouping
- minimal but customized SplashScreen
- minimal but customized icon