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Easier to manage retrospective meeting in agile/scrum teams.

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Flutter, Firebase


Free Retrospective Meetings App.

Retrospective (English 'retrospective' and Latin 'retrospectare', "looking back") generally means looking behind the events that have occurred. This application provides that below: Enables Agile teams to have effective conversations, discover new insights, and generate action plans by using different retrospective models. Has so many formats that teams will never have the same meeting twice. Team members can follow one of the industry-tested sprint retrospective example that perfectly fits the team. It’s simple to gather feedback asynchronously or in real time, so there’s always time to look back and move forward. Uses industry best practices to walk your team through an engaging retrospective from start to finish. As the team moves from gathering data to deciding what to do, everyone can follow along and collaborate towards the same goal. With all the teammates participating in a powerful conversation, it’s clear why retrospectives are the key to continuous improvement. Enables to organize the teammates and all retrospective documentation in one place. The team can ensure psychological safety with private rooms, and everyone can share feedback openly because comments are anonymous. It’s easy to explore previous meeting details and review completed retrospectives.

Retrospective Methods in the app: Start, Stop, Continue If you want action-oriented feedback, then this is a great format for your agile team. Aksiyon almak için uygulanan template tipidir. Başlama, bitirme ve devam etme aksiyonlarını almayı sağlar.

What Went Well What Went Well? What Didn't Go Well? is a basic retrospective technique that focuses on your team's strengths and weaknesses. Takım içinde neyin iyi yapıldığını nelerin iyi yapılmadığını belirlemek için kullanılır.

Mad, Sad, Glad This retrospective template is a great way to check the emotional pulse of your agile team Takım üyelerinin duygusal olarak sprintte yaşadığı ve kızgın, üzgün, memnun oldukları konuları paylaşmalarını sağlar.

Lean Coffee™ A Lean Coffee retrospective can help your team gather and build an agenda for your team’s meeting. To do, doing, done. Yapılanlar, yapılacaklar, yapılmakta olanlar şeklinde 3 ana başlıkta yorum girebildiğimiz Lean Coffee methodu takımın hedeflerinde geldiği mevcut durumu ve gitmek istenilen yönü gösterir.

4Ls 4Ls is a popular, frequently used technique that is simple to set up for the facilitator and easy to understand for the participants. Liked: What did the team really enjoy about the iteration? In particular, what went better than expected? Emphasize the positive. Learned: What new things did the team learn during the iteration? Lacked: What things could the team have done better during the iteration? Longed For: What things did the team desire to have during the iteration that were not available?

Liked: Bu sprintte takım nelerden keyif aldı? Learned: Bu sprint takıma neler öğretti? Lacked: Bu sprintte eksik olan ya da daha iyi olabilecek neler vardı? Longed For: Bu sprintte ne olsa daha iyi olurdu?

WRAP Wishes, Risks, Appreciations, Puzzles - This retrospective technique can uncover hidden concerns and helps teams examine a sprint from multiple perspectives. Wish: What do you wish could happen? Risk: What are the risks? Appreciation: What can we appreciate? Puzzle: What is a current puzzle for the team?

Wish: Ne olmasını isterdik? Risk: Risklerimiz nelerdi? Appreciation: Neye önem vermeliydik? Puzzle: Takım için çözmemiz gereken sorun nedir?

Sailboat A sailboat retrospective can illuminate all the things that are helping and hindering your scrum team. Ekibe yardımcı olan ve ekibi engelleyen her şey burada paylaşılır.

Starfish A starfish retrospective is named for its five points, where teams can articulate what to start doing, stop doing, keep doing, do more of, and do less of. 5 temel konuyu ele alan Starfish methodu ile yapmaya başlanacak, devam edilecek, daha az yapılacak, daha çok yapılacak ve yapılmayacak olan aksiyonlar girilir.


Two theme options as light/dark

Simple UI

Interactive output via Firebase

8 different retro templates

Save max 5 output of the meeting on local storage.

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