Thanks to Gyorgy Szombathelyi for MiSTery core
- Cycle accurate STe GLUE MMU combo (re-created from the original schematics)
- Cycle accurate FX68K CPU core
- Cycle accurate Blitter offered by Jorge Cwik
- Mostly cycle accurate shifter based on schematics made from reverse engineering
- MegaSTe 16 MHz CPU mode
- RAM size up to 14MB
- Support for all TOS versions
- 2 Floppy disc drives
- ACSI hard disc support
- Viking compatible hi-res monochrome card support
- Real IKBD with HD63701 MCU
- Real MIDI input/output using MiST's UART pins
- Serial/parallel port redirect to USB
- Gauntlet type 4 joystick interface support
- STe controller port support
- Optional scandoubled/YPbPr video output
Put the core.rbf and the TOS as tos.img to the SD-Card. TOS/hard disc/floppy images are selectable in the OSD (F12). With F11, you can toggle between normal and STe joystick ports.
- Some MFP imperfections
- Some bugs in ST mode
- No RAM cache for Mega STe
- Missing Ethernec support
- No RTC
- Only fake LMC1992
- PAL clock only (32.084 MHz)
- Since Jagpads have 21 buttons, not all are mapped to MiST controllers when using STe game ports
- No STe paddle handling (but it has 0 software support)
- Till Harbaum for the MiST board, original MiST core, new IKBD code
- Jorge Cwik for the FX68K CPU core, FX ST Blitter code and shifter decap
- Christian Zietz for recovering the schematics of the GSTMCU