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WYSIWYG Preprocessor

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WYSIWYG Preprocessor is a PHP library with no dependencies. It's a sort of toolbox for processing your HTML textareas.


Sources are managed with Composer.

composer require akibatech/wysiwygpreprocessor "0.*"

Basic usage

For the given textarea,

$textarea = "Check my website Keep in touch at [email protected] !";

We want to transform the link and the email adress to HTML tags

use Akibatech\Wysiwyg\Processor;  
use Akibatech\Wysiwyg\Modifier;  

$processor = new Processor();  

$processor->addModifier(new Modifier\UrlToLink)  
          ->addModifier(new Modifier\MailToLink)  

echo $processor->getOutput();  

Results in :

Check my website <a href=""></a>. Keep in touch at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> !

Customizing modifiers

Modifiers are easily customizable.
Imagine you want to target all links to a new page or adding to it a custom class.

$textarea = 'Check out my new site:';

$modifier = new Akibatech\Wysiwyg\Modifier\UrlToLink();

    'class' => 'custom-link',
    'target' => '_blank'

$processor = new Akibatech\Wysiwyg\Processor();


echo $processor->getOutput();

Results in :

Check out my new site: <a href="" class="custom-link" target="_blank"></a>



Class: Akibatech\Wysiwyg\Modifier\BbCode
Description: Apply a basic BBCode to enhance your content.

Example input: [b]Hello[/b]
Example output: <strong>Hello</strong>

Defaults tags are: b, i, u, left, right, center, quote, link, img, size and color.
Options are wilcard BBCode tag. Key is the wanted BBCode tag and option is the HTML replacement.
If pattern is given as array, it can access Tag option like [link=]my profile[/link] as <a href="$1">$2</a>.

    // New tag called [yellow]text in yellow[/yellow]  
    'yellow' => '<span style="color: yellow;">$1</span>',  
    // Disable default "b" tag  
    'b' => null  

Parse Variables

Class: Akibatech\Wysiwyg\Modifier\ParseVariables
Description: Replace a preset of variables.

Example input: Hello %name%!
Example output: Hello John!

You can specify the delimiter and the accepted variables.

    // My custom delimiter. Vars are parsed in this delimiter. Default is "%".  
    'in' => '%',  
    // Accepted vars
    'accept' => [
        'name' => 'Joe', // %name% => Joe
        'email' => '[email protected]' // %email% => [email protected]

Absolute Path

Class: Akibatech\Wysiwyg\Modifier\AbsolutePath
Description: Will replace "href" and "src" attributes with absolute values.

Example input: <img src="" />
Example output: <img src="" />

You can specify a custom prefix for your paths.

    // Custom prefix. Default is '/'.  
    'prefix' => '', // <img src="" />

Words Filter

Class: Akibatech\Wysiwyg\Modifier\WordsFilter
Description: Remove a words list from a text. Act as a censorship system.

Example input: Cunt!
Example output: [censored]!

The list and the replacement.

    // Words list as an array.  
    'words' => ['word1', 'word2'], // No defaults words.
    // Replacement
    'replace' => '[censored]' // Wanted replacement, default to [censored]

Empty Paragraphs

Class: Akibatech\Wysiwyg\Modifier\EmptyParagraphs
Description: Delete empty paragraphs from your content.

Example input: <p></p><p>Hello</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
Example output: <p>Hello</p>


Mail to Link

Class: Akibatech\Wysiwyg\Modifier\MailToLink
Description: Transforms emails adresses in clickable link tag.

Example input: [email protected]
Example output: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>


    // Will replace "@" by "<at>", set to false to disable...  
    'at' => '<at>',  


Class: Akibatech\Wysiwyg\Modifier\NlToBr
Description: Replace line breaks into HTML line breaks. Similar to php native function nl2br().

Example input: hello world
Example output: hello<br>world


    // Linebreak symbol to search. Defaults to "\n"  
    'search' => "\n",  
    // HTML to replace. Defaults to "<br>"  
    'replace' => '<br />'  


Class: Akibatech\Wysiwyg\Modifier\StripTags
Description: Remove HTML tags from input. Similar to php native function strip_tags().

Example input: <p>hello world</p>
Example output: hello world


    // Allowed HTML tags (see strip_tags documentation). Defaults, none.  
    'allow' => "<a>",  

URL to Link

Class: Akibatech\Wysiwyg\Modifier\UrlToLink
Description: Transforms web adresses in clickable link tag.

Example input:
Example output: <a href=""></a>


    // Add a custom class to all generated tags. No defaults.    
    'class' => 'link',  
    // Customize the link target. No defaults.  
    'target' => '_blank'  

Youtube Link to Iframe

Class: Akibatech\Wysiwyg\Modifier\YoutubeLinkToIframe
Description: Transforms youtube links (long and shorts) to a embed video player (iframe).

Example input: My new video:
Example output: My new video: <iframe src="" class="youtube-iframe" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


    // Custom class added to the player
    'class'  => 'youtube-iframe',
    // Custom width (in px) or null
    'width'  => 560,
    // Custom height (in px) or null
    'height' => 315,
    // Allow fullscreen
    'allow_fullscreen' => true,
    // Enable youtube suggestions when video ends
    'with_suggestions' => false,
    // Display video info
    'with_infos' => true,
    // Display video controls
    'with_controls' => true

Your own modifiers

You can easily extends the preprocessor by adding your own modifiers.
All you need is to create a class implementing ModifierInterface. You're also encouraged to extends AbstractModifier to access common methods (setOptions, getOptions, ...).

Basically, a modifier receive the input to transform through a public method handle($input).
Options are handled by a public method defaultOptions() returning an array of available options. And in your modifier body, you can access these options with the instance attribute options.

Callable modifier

You also have the possibility to add a dynamic modifier.
The method "addModifier" also accepts a callback function.

Example :

$processor->addModifier(function($input) {
    return str_rot13('hello'); // Will return "uryyb"

Unit Tests

WYSIWYG Preprocessor is tested with PHPUnit.
Make sure you have composer dev dependencies installed and type :



Author: Marceau Casals and all contributors
Licence: MIT