Clear box unit test coverage utility for R code. A key concept of writing high quality code is that each conceptual module of code is split into units. Each unit can be tested in isolation to verify that it is behaving as expected. A test means that inputs are provided to the code, and the outputs are checked against known results. These unit tests:
- provide documentation of a function's expected behaviour (very important when looking at someone else's code, or at your own code in 6 months!)
- allow changes to be made to other components of the code while demonstrably not affecting other units
- make it easier to check for bugs by providing a framework for passing in a range of inputs that other parts of your code, or your users, might provide
Instrumentation. This package uses the alternate parser of R-3.0 to instrument R code, and record whether the code is run by tests. The package replaces symbols in the code to be tested with a unique identifier. This is then injected into a tracing function that will report each time the symbol is called. The first symbol at each level of the expression tree is traced, allowing the coverage of code branches to be checked.
Clear Box. Once you have asked testCoverage run your tests, you will be provided with and HTML report which allows you to see your code, with highlights to show whether the the code is tested or not. This can also be broken down by test script while assessing which scripts need to be extended.
Installation from github requires the devtools package to be installed.
# Install devtools for devtools::install_github
# Install a unit test framework
# Install testCoverage
Try out cranCoverage
If a package tests features that require suggested packages they will need to be installed or misleading results will be produced.
# Load a unit testing framework and testCoverage.
# Install all dependencies of the test package.
# You may wish to use development mode to avoid polluting your library.
# devtools::dev_mode(on = TRUE)
install.packages("stringr", dependencies = TRUE)
# Run testCoverage.
loc <- file.path(getOption("testCoverageExpFolder"), "saturate")
# example saturate - testthat partial coverage
reportCoverage(sourcefiles = list.files(file.path(loc, "R"), full.names = TRUE),
executionfiles = list.files(file.path(loc,
"inst", "tests", "testthat", "tests1"), full.names = TRUE),
reportfile = "testCoverage_saturate_example1.html",
writereport = TRUE, clean = TRUE)
# example saturate - testthat complete coverage
reportCoverage(sourcefiles = list.files(file.path(loc, "R"), full.names = TRUE),
executionfiles = list.files(file.path(loc,
"inst", "tests", "testthat", "tests3"), full.names = TRUE),
reportfile = "testCoverage_saturate_example3.html",
writereport = TRUE, clean = TRUE)
# example saturate - RUnit partial coverage
reportCoverage(sourcefiles = list.files(file.path(loc, "R"), full.names = TRUE),
executionfiles = list.files(file.path(loc,
"inst", "tests", "RUnit", "tests2"), full.names = TRUE),
reportfile = "testCoverage_saturate_example2.html",
writereport = TRUE, clean = TRUE,
isrunit = TRUE, runitfileregexp = "^test_. \\.[rR]$", runitfuncregexp = "^test. ")
Clear BSD