AirBnb like marketplace where users can rent and host Boats
- Browse and find the boat that you love
- Select dates and send a booking request to the owner
- Owners can accept or decline requests
In order to run our app locally, you will need to have already installed Yarn and Rails. Check them with:
$ yarn -v
$ rails -v
If no version number is returned, please install Yarn and/or Rails before continuing.
You'll also need to install all dependencies of the project with:
$ bundle install
$ yarn install
The bundle command installs all Ruby Gems specified in our Gemfile. The yarn install command retrieves all dependencies from the project’s package.json file.
Run the following command to create a database, load the schema, and initialize it with our seed data.
$ rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
Lastly, our API key is hidden. You will need to touch a .env file and populate it with your own Cloudinary API key.
Make sure to include your .env file in the .gitignore
Launch 🛥️
Finally! Lets launch the app by running:
$ rails s
$ yarn build --watch # In another tab of the terminal
alternatively this shortcut the above
$ bin/dev
Then type localhost:3000 in your favourite browser
Feel free to fork and create a pull request we will review and merge accordingly
Don't forget to give the project a ⭐️ Thanks!
Project created as part of the **Le Wagon Coding Bootcamp**
Feel free contribute as you please
For giving life to this original idea