A few basic stuff need to be added (check TODO, please forkme and issue pull requests)
libnmap is a python toolkit for manipulating nmap. It currently offers the following modules:
- process: enables you to launch nmap scans
- parse: enables you to parse nmap reports or scan results (only XML so far) from a file, a string,...
- report: enables you to manipulate a parsed scan result and de/serialize scan results in a json format
- diff: enables you to see what changed between two scans
- common: contains basic nmap objects like NmapHost and NmapService. It is to note that each object can be "diff()ed" with another similar object.
- plugins: enables you to support datastores for your scan results directly in the "NmapReport" object from report module
- mongodb: only plugin implemented so far, ultra basic, for POC purpose only
- couchdb: todo
- sqlalchemy: todo
- elastic search: todo
- csv: todo
Below a simple example on how to run a nmap scan using a callback function. No advanced data manipulations with our parser. The callback will simply printout the percentage done and the etc. The event callback is triggered each time nmap outputs data. It is to note that a fixed options forces nmap to send its progress to the lib every two seconds. Consequently, at least every two seconds, the callback function is triggered even if nmap is not printing out stuff.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from libnmap.process import NmapProcess
def main(argv):
def mycallback(nmapscan=None, data=""):
if nmapscan.is_running():
print "Progress: %s %% - ETC: %s" % (nmapscan.progress,
nm = NmapProcess("scanme.nmap.org", options="-sV", event_callback=mycallback)
rc = nm.run()
if rc == 0:
print "Scan started at {0} nmap version: {1}".format(nm.starttime,
print "state: {0} (rc: {1})".format(nm.state, nm.rc)
print "results size: {0}".format(len(nm.stdout))
print "Scan ended {0}: {1}".format(nm.endtime, nm.summary)
print "state: {0} (rc: {1})".format(nm.state, nm.rc)
print "Error: {stderr}".format(stderr=nm.stderr)
print "Result: {0}".format(nm.stdout)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Here a consequent example on how to use libnmap:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from libnmap.process import NmapProcess
from libnmap.parser import NmapParser, NmapParserException
# start a new nmap scan on localhost with some specific options
def do_scan(targets, options):
nm = NmapProcess(targets, options)
rc = nm.run()
if rc != 0:
print "nmap scan failed: %s" % (nm.stderr)
parsed = NmapParser.parse(nm.stdout)
except NmapParserException as e:
print "Exception raised while parsing scan: %s" % (e.msg)
return parsed
# print scan results from a nmap report
def print_scan(nmap_report):
print "Starting Nmap {0} ( http://nmap.org ) at {1}".format(
for host in nmap_report.hosts:
if len(host.hostnames):
tmp_host = host.hostnames.pop()
tmp_host = host.address
print "Nmap scan report for {0} ({1})".format(
print "Host is {0}.".format(host.status)
for serv in host.services:
pserv = "{0:>5s}/{1:3s} {2:12s} {3}".format(
if len(serv.banner):
pserv = " ({0})".format(serv.banner)
print pserv
print nmap_report.summary
if __name__ == "__main__":
report = do_scan("", "-sV")
from libnmap.parser import NmapParser
from libnmap.reportjson import ReportDecoder, ReportEncoder
import json
nmap_report_obj = NmapParser.parse_fromfile('/root/dev/python-nmap-lib/libnmap/test/files/1_hosts.xml')
# create a json object from an NmapReport instance
nmap_report_json = json.dumps(nmap_report_obj, cls=ReportEncoder)
# create a NmapReport instance from a json object
nmap_report_obj = json.loads(nmap_report_json, cls=ReportDecoder)