TruckDevil is a framework for interacting with and assessing ECUs that use J1939 for communications on the CANBUS.
The recommended CAN transciever to use is the Macchina M2 (Under-the-Dash).
However, python-can is used so hardware devices with any of the supported interfaces, such as SocketCAN, could be used: (CAN Interface Modules).
Additionally, an OBD-II to J1939 deutsch 9 pin adapter or splitter could be utilized, available on Amazon.
Python 3 is required.
Additional software is required to flash the m2_sketch firmware to the M2, if used (see Installation).
> git clone
- Follow the first 3 steps included in the M2 Arduino IDE Quick Start guide
- Install the Arduino Desktop IDE
- Install the Macchina M2 Board Configuration
- Install drivers
- Download and include due_can and can_common libraries from collin80 into IDE
Sketch > Include Library > Add .Zip Library...
- Upload m2_sketch.ino to the M2
- Ensure M2 is plugged in over USB and that it's selected as the active board.
Tools > Board: "[...]" > Arduino Due (Native USB Port)
- Select the serial port in use for the M2 (usually named "Arduino Due").
Tools > Port
- Open the m2_sketch.ino file and upload it to the M2.
Sketch > Upload
- Once uploaded, disconnect M2 and plug back in.
TruckDevil contains various modules for reading, sending, ECU discovery, and fuzzing. Additional modules can be added for more specific tasks.
- Interactively
> python
Welcome to the truckdevil framework
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
add_device help list_device list_modules run_module
(truckdevil)add_device m2 can0 250000 COM5
***** CAN Device Info *****
Device Type: m2
Serial Port: COM5
CAN Channel: can0
Baud Rate: 250000
(truckdevil)run_module read_messages
Welcome to the Read Messages tool.
(truckdevil.read_messages) ?
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
help load print_messages save set settings unset
(truckdevil.read_messages) ? set
Provide a setting name and a value to set the setting. For a list of
available settings and their current and default values see the
settings command.
set read_time 10
set filter_src_addr 11,249
(truckdevil.read_messages) set num_messages 5
(truckdevil.read_messages) print_messages
18FECA00 06 FECA 00 --> FF [0008] 00FF00000000FFFF
0CF00400 03 F004 00 --> FF [0008] F87D7D000000F07D
18F00E00 06 F00E 00 --> FF [0008] FFFF285AFFFFFFFF
0CF00300 03 F003 00 --> FF [0008] D10000FFFFFF00FF
18FEDF00 06 FEDF 00 --> FF [0008] FE00FEFE7D0200FF
- From command line (arguments are passed to module)
> python .\ add_device m2 can0 250000 COM5 run_module read_messages set num_messages 5 print_messages
18FECA00 06 FECA 00 --> FF [0008] 00FF00000000FFFF
0CF00400 03 F004 00 --> FF [0008] F87D7D000000F07D
18F00E00 06 F00E 00 --> FF [0008] FFFF285AFFFFFFFF
0CF00300 03 F003 00 --> FF [0008] D10000FFFFFF00FF
18FEDF00 06 FEDF 00 --> FF [0008] FE00FEFE7D0200FF
Create custom modules by creating a python file in the 'modules' folder. The file should contain the following function:
def main_mod(argv, device)
- argv contains the list of arguments passed to the module
- device contains the Device object passed to the module
Python docs are available in the file. Existing modules provide example usage.