I'm a self-taught MERN stack developer with a passion for building robust and scalable web applications. I love the process of taking an idea and turning it into a fully-functional product. My background in programming and inquisitiveness to learn new trends have given me the skills and knowledge to build high-quality applications that meet the needs of users.
- Front-end: React, Redux, Next.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Material UI, Tailwind CSS
- Back-end: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Firebase, AWS, MySql
- Tools: Git, npm, VS Code, Postman, EC2 instance, CloudFront, S3 Bucket
- Completed Bootcamp on full-stack web development using the MERN stack
- Contributed to Open-source Project QUEUE by adding Backend authentication.
- Won Hacktoberfest 2022 by contributing to an open source application.
Here are a few projects that I've worked on recently:
- Apparel - An E-commerce application build using Node.js, Express, MongoDB and Handlebars
- Fuse - A social media application with realtime chat, post, comment etc with additional features like Library and Daily news
- MyChatApp - A realtime chat application that make use of SASS and useReducer
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or if you're interested in working together. You can find me on LinkedIn or Twitter.