🔭 I'm currently pursuing a master's in AI with a focus on LLMs and self-driving technology.
🌱 Passionate about problem-solving, developing Minecraft plugins, and a strong love for dogs. 🐶
💬 Ask me about AI, machine learning, or your next Minecraft plugin!
- ParkourCalculator: A Minecraft tool that analyzes parkour mechanics and pathfinding, focusing on versions 1.8.9, 1.12, 1.20.
- UML Editor: E-Learning-System with collaborating UML Editor in a class based environment
- Task-Modeller: Optimizing and modeling user tasks based on real-world behavior.
- Wumpus Environment: Implement and test multi-agent strategies within this dynamic, partially observable environments.
- Learning-Platform-Appday-2021: An educational platform developed during a hackathon competition.
- SMOTE-Comparison: Exploring SMOTE techniques to address imbalanced machine learning datasets.
- BLE Localisation SB: Enhancing indoor positioning systems using BLE technology.
- CoffeeOS: A custom operating system forked from an existing C project.
- Smart-Documents: A web application for document analysis using AI techniques like semantic search and text summarization.
- Pentominoes-Pathfinder: An advanced pathfinding algorithm utilizing pentomino shapes.
- GraphSimulator A network testing tool focused on stability, redundancy, and node failures.
- RayTraceJS: JavaScript-based project that implements ray tracing using WebGL to render 3D objects.
- AND MORE: see Repository
- LCCore: Enhances server management and user experiences within Minecraft.
- TD2Core: Enhances parkour experience with map selection, progress tracking, and Discord integration.
- ReplayPlugin: Captures replays of players to enhance gameplay analysis and server moderation.
- ChatFilter: Monitors and filters player chat for spam, excessive capitalization, unwanted links, offensive language.
- PetPlugin: Allows players to have pets, adding a fun and interactive element to the Minecraft experience.
- AFKPlugin: Detects, manages, and tracks players' AFK status, providing notifications, kicking idle players.
- CustomBedwars: BedWars game modes with configurable teams, spawn points, beds, spawners, and gameplay settings.
- Tutorial-Replay-Plugin: Replay recording/playback comprehensive tutorial management.
- Ranked-Parkour: README WIP
- FlyingPigs: README WIP
- ChallengeCraft: README WIP
- SpeedrunPlugin: README WIP
- DeathSwap: README WIP
- PracticePlugin: README WIP
- University Stuff: Solutions, Projects and More from my Bachelor and Master Studies.
- AdventOfCode: Solutions for AdventOfCode from 2022 and 2023.
- CodeForce: Competitions and Solutions for CodeForces.