Easy to use library and CLI utility to generate Go struct from CSV files. As a benefit, it's fully compatible with csvutil. So, structs generated by this utility can be used with that library.
go install github.com/Koshqua/csv2struct@latest
csv2struct - Converts csv files to golang structs compatible with https://github.com/jszwec/csvutil
csv2struct [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
Ivan Malovanyi (https://github.com/Koshqua)
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--from value, -f value specify which csv file to use
--to value, -t value specify the output .go file
--typename value, --tn value specify how to name output type
--csvsep value, --cs value specify the csv separator (default: ",")
--casetype value, --ct value specify the headers case type, possible values are: pascal, camel, kebab, snake, space (default: "pascal")
--verbose, -v verbose logging (with debug) (default: false)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
csv2struct -f ./test.csv -t ./blah.go -tn Blah --casetype space
Also, it's available as library. Will provide usage examples a bit later...
Your contribution to the project is welcomed and appreciated.