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Rapid population synthesis code for binary black hole mergers in dynamical environments.


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Rapid population synthesis code for binary black-hole mergers in dynamical environments.

$\tt Rapster$ stands for $\rm RAPid\ cluSTER$ evolution. (Thanks to M. Cheung for coming up with the short-hand version!)

Author: Konstantinos Kritos [email protected]

Version: July 7, 2023

LOGO (Thanks to H. Cruz for digitizing my hand-drawn logo!)


  1. Overview
  2. Requirements
  3. Units
  4. Input parameters
  5. Running a simulation
  6. Output files
  7. Applications of the code
  8. Citing this work
  9. Reporting bugs
  10. Thank you

1. Overview

The repository provides the source codes of the current version, files ./, ./, ./,,,,,, Planck18_lookup_table.npz, and all necessary data files in folder ./MzamsMrem/, for the rapid evolution of dense star cluster environments and the dynamical assembly of binary black hole mergers.

The modeling accounts for the necessary physical processes regarding the formation of binary black holes employing semi-analytic prescriptions as described in Sec. 2 of K. Kritos et al. (2022). This is our code paper we wrote together with V. Strokov, V. Baibhav, and E. Berti.


For computational efficiency, the folder ./MzamsMrem/ contains 12 files with pre-calculated look-up tables of stellar remnants masses on a grid of zero-age main sequence values up to $340M_\odot$ and 12 values of absolute metallicity in the range from $10^{-4}$ to $1.7\times10^{-2}$ as calculated with the $\tt SEVN$ code M. Spera & M. Mapelli (2017).

In the current version, we have also included look-up tables for the Mandel-Muller, and the Fryer et al. (2012) delayed and rapid remnant-mass prescription models in files Mueller_Mandel.txt, MzamsMrem_F12d.txt, and MzamsMrem_F12r.txt, respectively. Finally, Planck18_lookup_table.npz is a look-up table for the redshidt-lookback time and lookback time-redshift relations assuming the Planck 2018 cosmology.

  • BH: black hole
  • BBH: binary black hole
  • GW: gravitational wave

2. Requirements

The following Python packages are required

  • $\tt precession$ (1.0.3)
  • $\tt astropy$ (5.0.4)
  • $\tt argparse$ (1.1)
  • $\tt numpy$ (>=1.12.3)
  • $\tt scipy$ (1.8.0)
  • $\tt pandas$
  • $\tt time$

The code is tested with packages in the versions shown in parentheses above, however, it is likely that other versions work too.


It is suggested that the $\tt precession$ package is used in the version 1.0.3 D. Gerosa & M. Kesden (2016).

3. Units

The current version of the code uses astrophysical units:

  • Mass: solar mass ($M_\odot$)
  • Distance: parsec ($\rm pc$)
  • Time: $\rm Myr$
  • Velocity: $\rm km\ s^{-1}$
  • Gravitational constant: $G=1/232$

4. Input parameters

The code accepts parameters with flag options.

For a description of all input parameters, run the following command in the command line interface:

python3 --help

or see Table 1 from K. Kritos et al. (2022).

For the user’s convenience we paste the list of optional arguments in the form of a Table here as well:

Flag Description Type Default
-N, --number Initial number of stars int 1000000
-r, --half_mass_radius Initial half-mass radius [pc] float 1
-mm, --minimum_star_mass Smallest ZAMS mass [Msun] float 0.08
-mM, --maximum_star_mass Largest ZAMS mass [Msun] float 150
-Z, --metallicity Absolute metallicity float 0.001
-z, --cluster_formation_redshift Redshift of cluster formation float 3.0
-n, --central_stellar_density Central stellar number density [pc^-3] float 1e6
-fb, --binary_fraction Initial binary star fraction float 0.1
-S, --seed Seed number int 1234567890
-dtm, --minimum_time_step Minimum simulation time-step [Myr] float 0.1
-dtM, --maximum_time_step Maximum simulation time-step [Myr] float 50.0
-tM, --maximum_time Maximum simulation time [Myr] float 140000
-wK, --supernova_kick_parameter One-dimensional supernova kick parameter [km/s] float 265.0
-K, --natal_kick_prescription Natal kick prescription (0 for fallback, 1 for momentum conservation) int 0
-R, --galactocentric_radius Initial galactocentric radius [kpc] float 8.0
-vg, --galactocentric_velocity Galactocentric circular velocity [km/s] float 220.0
-s, --spin_parameter Natal spin parameter of first generation (1g) BHs float 0.0
-SD, --spin_distribution Natal spin distribution model (0 for uniform, 1 for monochromatic) int 0
-P, --print_information Print runtime information (0 for no, 1 for yes) int 1
-Mi, --mergers_file_indicator Export mergers file (0 for no, 1 for yes) int 1
-MF, --mergers_file_name Name of .txt output file with BBH merger source parameters str mergers
-Ei, --evolution_file_indicator Export evolution file (0 for no, 1 for yes) int 1
-EF, --evolution_file_name Name of .txt output file with time-dependent quantities str evolution
-Hi, --hardening_file_indicator Export hardening file (0 for no, 1 for yes) int 1
-HF, --hardening_file_name Name of .txt output file with BBH time evolution information str hardening
-BIi, --blackholes_in_file_indicator Use external BH file (0 for no, 1 for yes) int 0
-BIF, --blackholes_in_file_name Name of .npz input file with initial BH masses str input_BHs.npz
-BOi, --blackholes_out_file_indicator Export BH masses file (0 for no, 1 for yes) int 1
-BOF, --blackholes_out_file_name Name of .npz file with the masses of all BHs in solar masses str output_BHs.npz
-RP, --remnant_mass_prescription Remnant mass prescription (0 for SEVN delayed, 1 for Fryer 2012 delayed, 2 for SEVN rapid, 3 for Fryer 2012 rapid) int 1

5. Running a simulation

usage: [-h] [-N] [-r] [-mm] [-mM] [-Z] [-z] [-n] [-fb] [-S] [-dtm] [-dtM] [-tM] [-wK] [-K] [-R] [-vg] [-s] [-SD] [-P] [-Mi] [-MF] [-Ei] [-EF] [-Hi] [-HF] [-BIi] [-BIF] [-BOi] [-BOF] [-RP]

As an example, we give the commands that produce data used to generate the results in Fig.4 of K. Kritos et al. (2022):

python3 -N 200000 -r 1.6 -n 9.5e4 -R 8 -Z 0.001 -MF meA -EF evA -HF haA -BOF bhA

python3 -N 800000 -r 1.6 -n 45.6e4 -R 8 -Z 0.001 -MF meB -EF evB -HF haB -BOF bhC

python3 -N 1600000 -r 1.6 -n 257e4 -R 20 -Z 0.0005 -MF meC -EF evC -HF haC -BOF bhC

The default values are assumed for other parameters not entered in the commands above.


To test the code, execute the program with all default values:


This should create four files mergers.txt, evolution.txt, hardening.txt, and output_BHs.npz in your current directory. To check and verify whether you have produced these files correctly, we include the corresponding files mergers_TEST.txt, evolution_TEST.txt, hardening_TEST.txt, and output_BHs_TEST.npz in folder ./Testing2/ in this repository with data that should match your output.


Taking different values of seed number corresponds to different realizations of the system under the same initial conditions. Passing the argument $$\tt$ RANDOM$$ in the -s flag simulates the star cluster with a pseudo-randomly generated number. Notice this syntax works only in the bash environment.

6. Output files:

At the end of each simulation the code generates by default three .txt and one .npz file, one with information about all dynamical mergers that took place during the simulation, a second file that keeps track of time-dependent quantities, a third file that stores information about the hardening evolution of each BBH, and finally a file with the masses of the BHs that are initially retained and at end of the simulation, respectively.

a) Column description of mergers .txt file:

Column Variable Description
1 $\rm seed$ seed of the simulation
2 $\rm ind$ Unique integer binary identifier
3 $\rm channel$ Formation mechanism of BBH
4 $a$ Semimajor axis ($\rm pc$) when BBH enters the GW regime
5 $e$ Eccentricity when BBH enters the GW regime
6 $m_1$ Primary mass ($M_\odot$)
7 $m_2$ Secondary mass ($M_\odot$)
8 $\chi_1$ Primary dimensionless spin parameter
9 $\chi_2$ Secondary dimensionless spin parameter
10 $g_1$ Generation of primary
11 $g_2$ Generation of secondary
12 $\theta_1$ Polar angle ($\rm rad$) of primary's spin with orbital angular momentum
13 $\theta_2$ Polar angle ($\rm rad$) of secondary's spin with orbital angular momentum
14 $\Delta\phi$ Azimuthal angle ($\rm rad$) between BH spins in the orbital plane
15 $t_{\rm form}$ Time ($\rm Myr$) BBH formed since simulation started
16 $z_{\rm form}$ Redshift BBH formed
17 $t_{\rm merge}$ Time ($\rm Myr$) BBH merged since simulation started
18 $z_{\rm merge}$ Redshift BBH merged
19 $m_{\rm rem}$ Remnant mass ($M_\odot$)
20 $\chi_{\rm rem}$ Remnant dimensionless spin parameter
21 $g_{\rm rem}$ Remnant generation
22 $v_{\rm GW}$ GW kick (km/s) of remnant BH
23 $\chi_{\rm eff}$ Effective dimensionless spin parameter
24 $q$ Mass ratio
25 $M_{\rm cl,0}$ Initial cluster mass ($M_\odot$)
26 $r_{\rm h,0}$ Initial half-mass radius ($\rm pc$)
27 $Z$ Metallicity
28 $z_{\rm cl,form}$ Redshift of cluster formation

BBH assembly channel (first column of mergers file), the - sign means BBH was ejected and merged outside the cluster:

  • (-)1: exchange processes
  • 2: two-body capture
  • (-)3: three-BH binary induced
  • (-)4: von Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai (ZLK) merger
  • (-)5: ZLK remnant BBH
  • 6: binary-single capture

b) Column description of evolution .txt file:

Columnn Variable Description
1 $\rm seed$ seed of the simulation
2 $t$ Simulation time ($\rm Myr$)
3 $z$ Redshift
4 $dt$ Timestep ($\rm Myr$)
5 $\overline{m}$ Average mass ($M_\odot$)
6 $M_{\rm cl}$ Cluster mass ($M_\odot$)
7 $r_{\rm h}$ Half-mass radius ($\rm pc$)
8 $R_{\rm gal}$ Galactocentric radius ($\rm kpc$)
9 $v_{\rm gal}$ Galactocentric velocity ($\rm km\ s^{-1}$)
10 $\tau_{\rm rlx}$ Half-mass relaxation timescale ($\rm Myr$)
11 $\tau_{\rm rlx,BH}$ BH half-mass relaxation time ($\rm Myr$)
12 $n_{\rm star}$ Stellar central number density ($\rm pc^{-3}$)
13 $N_{\rm BH}$ Number of BHs
14 $\overline{m}_{\rm BH}$ Average BH mass ($M_\odot$)
15 $m_{\rm BH}^{\rm max}$ Heaviest BH mass ($M_\odot$)
16 $r_{\rm h,BH}$ BH half-mass radius ($\rm pc$)
17 $r_{\rm c,BH}$ BH core radius ($\rm pc$)
18 $S$ Spitzer parameter
19 $\xi$ Equipartition parameter
20 $\psi$ Multimass relaxation factor
21 $\psi_{\rm BH}$ BH multimass relaxation factor
22 $\tau_{\rm 3bb}$ 3bb timescale ($\rm Myr$)
23 $\tau_{\rm 2,cap}$ 2-capture timescale ($\rm Myr$)
24 $k_{\rm 3bb}$ Number of 3bb in current step
25 $k_{\rm 2,cap}$ Number of 2-captures in current step
26 $N_{\rm me}$ Cumulative number of mergers
27 $N_{\rm BBH}$ Current number of BBHs
28 $N_{\rm me,Re}$ Cumulative number of ejected merger remnants
29 $N_{\rm me,Ej}$ Cumulative number of retained merger remnants
30 $v_{\rm star}$ Stellar velocity dispersion ($\rm km\ s^{-1}$)
31 $v_{\rm BH}$ BH velocity dispersion ($\rm km\ s^{-1}$)
32 $n_{\rm h,BH}$ Half-mass BH number density ($\rm pc^{-3}$)
33 $n_{\rm c,BH}$ Core BH number density ($\rm pc^{-3}$)
34 $n_{\rm a,BH}$ Average BH number density ($\rm pc^{-3}$)
35 $N_{\rm 3bb}$ Cumulative number of 3bb
36 $N_{\rm 2,cap}$ Cumulative number of 2-captures
37 $N_{\rm 3,cap}$ Cumulative number of 3-captures
38 $N_{\rm BH,ej}$ Cumulative number of single BH ejections
39 $N_{\rm BBH,ej}$ Cumulative number of BBH ejections
40 $N_{\rm dis}$ Cumulative number of BBH disruptions
41 $N_{\rm ex}$ Cumulative number of BBH-BH exchanges
42 $\tau_{\rm bb}$ BBH-BBH interaction timescale ($\rm Myr$)
43 $N_{\rm bb}$ Cumulative number of BBH-BBH interactions
44 $N_{\rm me,Fi}$ Cumulative number of field mergers
45 $N_{\rm me,2b}$ Cumulative number of in-cluster 2-body mergers
46 $\tau_{\rm ex,1}$ star-star$\to$BH-star timescale ($\rm Myr$)
47 $\tau_{\rm ex,2}$ BH-star$\to$BBH timescale ($\rm Myr$)
48 $k_{\rm ex,1}$ Number of star-star$\to$BH-star exchanges in this step
49 $k_{\rm ex,2}$ Number of BH-star$\to$BBH exchanges in this step
50 $N_{\rm ex,1}$ Cumulative number of star-star$\to$BH-star exchanges
51 $N_{\rm ex,2}$ Cumulative number of BH-star$\to$BBH exchanges
52 $N_{\rm BH-star}$ Current number of BH-star pairs
53 $\tau_{\rm pp}$ BH-star--BH-star interaction timescale ($\rm Myr$)
54 $k_{\rm pp}$ Number of BH-star--BH-star interactions in this step
55 $N_{\rm pp}$ Cumulative number of BH-star--BH-star interactions
56 $v_{\rm esc}$ Escape velocity ($\rm km\ s^{-1}$)
57 $v_{\rm esc,BH}$ Escape velocity from BH subsystem ($\rm km\ s^{-1}$)
58 $N_{\rm triples}$ Cumulative number of BH triples
59 $N_{\rm ZLK}$ Cumulative number of ZLK mergers

c) Column description of hardening .txt file:

Columnn Variable Description
1 $t$ Global time ($\rm Myr$)
2 $dt$ Global timestep ($\rm Myr$)
3 $t_{\rm local}$ Local time ($\rm Myr$)
4 $dt_{\rm local}$ Local timestep ($\rm Myr$)
5 $\rm ind$ Binary's unique integer identifier
6 $a$ Semimajor axis ($\rm pc$)
7 $e$ Eccentricity
8 $m_1$ Primary mass ($M_\odot$)
9 $m_2$ Secondary mass ($M_\odot$)
10 $q$ Mass ratio
11 $\rm condition$ BBH status
12 $N_{\rm ex}$ Number of BBH-BH exchanges

Condition or binary status (last column of hardening file):

  • 0: BBH available to evolve (see the flowchart of our algorithm in Fig.3 of K. Kritos et al. (2022))
  • 1: Local time exceeds global time
  • 2: 2-body merger (the BBH hardens and merges in the cluster after entering the GW regime)
  • 3: binary ionized during binary-single interaction
  • 4: Binary ionized during binary-binary interaction
  • 5: Binary ejected
  • 6: Binary-single capture

Unless ${\rm condition}=0$, the local simulation is terminated.

d) The output_BHs.npz file (if exported) contains two arrays, called mBH_ini and mBH_fin which provide in $M_\odot$ the masses of all single BHs that are retained at the start and the end of the simulation.

7. Applications of the code

The code can be useful when executed multiple times, for instance when simulating a set of clusters and generating a population of dynamically formed BBH mergers.

Although the program itself is not computationally expensive (we have tested in a laptop that we generate a few binary black hole mergers per second), independent parallelization is still encouraged when simulating a very large number of star clusters for efficiency.

8. Citing this work

If you utilize this code in your research, please cite the following reference:

K. Kritos, V. Strokov, V. Baibhav & E. Berti (2022).

$\tt Rapster$ has been used in the following works:

9. Reporting bugs

If you find a bug in the code, please contact us in [email protected] with a description of the bug.

Suggestions and pull requests are welcome :)

10. Thank you

Vladimir Strokov, Vishal Baibhav, Emanuele Berti, Andrea Antonelli, Fabio Antonini, Dany Atallah, Muhsin Aljaf, Mark Cheung, Roberto Cotesta, Hector Cruz, Giacomo Fragione, Gabriele Franciolini, Thomas Helfer, Veome Kapil, Kyle Kremer, Iason Krommydas, Miguel Martinez, Luca Reali, Carl Rodriguez, Newlin Weatherford, Xiao-Xiao Kou, Giada Caneva Santoro.


Rapid population synthesis code for binary black hole mergers in dynamical environments.







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