This tools counts the number of specific k-mers within sequence data. The counts can then be compare to other counts to determine to compute the probability that sample are of the same origin to discover incongruent samples or sample swaps.
- GCC (Tested on 9.3.0)
- zlibdev
- Autotools (if directly cloning from repo)
For generating site fasta files given a VCF file
- Python (Tested with 3.8.5)
- pyfaidx python module
- Perl (Tested with v5.26.2)
- bwa (Tested with 0.7.17)
If cloning directly from the repository make sure you get the required submodules:
git submodule update --init
If cloning directly from the repository run:
Compiling should be as easy as:
./configure && make
To install in a specified directory:
./configure --prefix=/PATH && make install
Given a VCF file and a reference genome you can produce fasta files with k-mers that one can use to create a fingerprinting. We have provided a set for human data based on similar criterion found in SNP microarrays.
scripts/generateSites name=prefix ref=reference.fa vcf=snps.vcf
Creates a fasta files VCF file. All non C/G <-> A/T conversions are ignored.
w=31 #window size to consider sequences in this region
k=19 #kmer size used in window region
t=4 #threads for any subprocess or tools
n=0 #number of sub k-mers to allow
If you do not wish to select your own sites, we currently include human_sites_n10.fa
a fasta selected sites with 95638 sites adequate for sample swap detection for human samples in the data
Using these set of k-mers we can then count all of these k-mers within a fastq file. Files may be gziped and multiple threads can be used.
ntsmCount -t 2 -s sites.fa sample_part1.fq sample_part2.fq > counts.txt
Creates count file using 2 threads. A sliding window using 19-mers is used in this case and the highest count in the window is recorded.
Outout Example:
#@TK 119443488624
#@KS 19
#locusID countAT countCG sumAT sumCG distinctAT distinctCG
rs1741692 23 22 68 190 3 9
rs6419870 0 43 0 86 1 2
rs3171927 19 20 91 20 5 1
rs12057128 16 0 31 0 2 5
rs11976368 43 0 43 0 1 10
rs4545798 17 13 34 65 2 5
rs10888802 0 37 0 355 9 10
Header lines (#@
) help in error rate estimation.
ntsmEval sample1_counts.txt sample2_counts.txt sample2_counts.txt > summary.tsv
A tsv file is produced that contains all combinations of geometric mean of Fisher's exact tests on all loci tested (p-values).
Output Example:
sample1 sample2 relate ibs0 ibs2 homConcord hets1 hets2 sharedHets hom1 hom2 sharedHom n score same cov1 cov2 error_rate1 error_rate2
a1 a2 0.997193 0 209139 0.998521 72327 72463 72124 137354 137218 137015 209681 0.079416 1 37.275289 45.248168 0.004990 0.005695
a1 b 0.473059 902 136180 0.717727 72327 71862 35799 137346 137811 100381 209673 1.690037 0 37.275289 45.040483 0.004990 0.007278
a1 c 0.499938 57 136556 0.734409 72327 73271 36273 137338 136394 100283 209665 1.643607 0 37.275289 44.389736 0.004990 0.005253
a2 b 0.473880 899 136153 0.717900 72463 71862 35852 137210 137811 100301 209673 1.790874 0 45.248168 45.040483 0.005695 0.007278
a2 c 0.499814 56 136535 0.733852 72463 73271 36330 137202 136394 100205 209665 1.741786 0 45.248168 44.389736 0.005695 0.005253
b c -0.017423 14756 106307 0.355821 71860 73269 28260 137812 136403 78047 209672 3.430927 0 45.040483 44.389736 0.007278 0.005253
Column explainations:
- relate: Relatedness determined via shared heterozygous sites
- ibs0: Number of sites with alleles shared between two samples
- ibs2: Number of sites with the same genotype between two samples
- homConcord: Homozygous concordance determined via shared homozygous sites
- hetsX: Number of heterzygous sites for sample X
- sharedHets: Number of shared hetero
- homX: Number of homozygous sites for sample X
- sharedHom: Number of shared homozygous sites
- n: number of unfiltered sites used in comparison
- score: log-likelihood based score to determine in samples are the same or differ
- same: 1 means the tool thinks the sample is the same and 0 is if the tools thinks they differ
- covX: coverage of sample X
- error_rateX: error rate of sample X. May underestimate error caused by long indels.