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This repository contains code for the NeurIPS 2019 paper "Addressing Sample Complexity in Visual Tasks Using HER and Hallucinatory GANs". Link to the paper:

A Hallucinatory GAN inserts a visual goal into failed trajectories during off-policy reinforcement learning. A corresponding reward is also hallucinated during batched sampling, if the task is hallucinated to be completed during the sampled transition. The combination of visual hallucinations and increased encounter with real and hallucinated rewards enable agents to quickly start learning sparse reward tasks. This approach extends the HER algorithm to visual settings.

The left image shows various outputs of HALGAN in one of the environments. The goal is to navigate to a red box. The top left image shows an image from a failed trajectory where the goal is not in sight. In the remaining images, HALGAN is asked to hallucinate the goal on top of the failed image in specific locations, with increasing distance from top to bottom and increasing yaw from left to right. The right image shows the benefit of training using HALGAN vs. various baselines. For a full explanation of the baselines and the training process please refer to the paper.


This code was developed using Python 3.5.2 on Ubuntu 16.04. In addition, the following dependencies should be installed:


This repository contains:

  1. Code to train a HALGAN from scratch
  2. Script for setting up training of a HALGAN equipped DDPG agent from offworld branch of keras-rl. Please refer to the offworld keras-rl repository for code to a HALGAN DQN agent as well.
  3. Data and trained models for the MiniWorld environment presented in the paper.

Simply run

cd src/

to start training HALGAN on the MiniWorld task. Trained models will start saving in experiments/halgan-[ENV]/[datestamp] along with some example images. Training data for this environment is present in data/MiniWorld-SimToReal1Cont-v0/training-data.

data/MiniWorld-SimToReal1Cont-v0/ also contains a trained HALGAN model for this environment. Run

cd src/

to start training a HALGAN DDPG agent that uses this model. Run

cd src/
python --mode vanilla

for vanilla DDPG comparison. Check mode argument for available baseline comparisons.


Please use the following bibtex for citing this work in your publications

title = {Addressing Sample Complexity in Visual Tasks Using HER and Hallucinatory GANs},
author = {Sahni, Himanshu and Buckley, Toby and Abbeel, Pieter and Kuzovkin, Ilya},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33},
year = {2019},
url = {}


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