IJulia is a Julia-language backend combined with the Jupyter interactive environment (also used by IPython). This combination allows you to interact with the Julia language using Jupyter/IPython's powerful graphical notebook, which combines code, formatted text, math, and multimedia in a single document. IJulia is a Jupyter language kernel and works with a variety of notebook user interfaces. In addition to the classic Jupyter Notebook, IJulia also works with JupyterLab, a Jupyter-based integrated development environment for notebooks and code. The nteract notebook desktop supports IJulia with detailed instructions for its installation with nteract.
(IJulia notebooks can also be re-used in other Julia code via the NBInclude package.)
Install IJulia from the Julia REPL by pressing ]
to enter pkg mode and entering:
add IJulia
If you already have Python/Jupyter installed on your machine, this process will also install a
kernel specification
that tells Jupyter how to launch Julia. You can then launch the notebook server the usual
way by running jupyter notebook
in the terminal.
Alternatively, you can have IJulia create and manage its own Python/Jupyter installation.
To do this, type the following in Julia, at the julia>
using IJulia
to launch the IJulia notebook in your browser.
The first time you run notebook()
, it will prompt you
for whether it should install Jupyter. Hit enter to
have it use the Conda.jl
package to install a minimal Python Jupyter distribution (via
Miniconda) that is
private to Julia (not in your PATH
For more advanced installation options, such as specifying a specific Jupyter installation to use, see the documentation.