training repository for basic GitHub functionality
Throughout the course, we will use Git - an industry standard version control software - for managing the lab. You need to understand the basics usage of Git for successfully carrying out the lab.
- Fork this repository
- Clone the forked repository to your computer or the development server.
- Create a test commit (add a new file or modify a file before).
- Create an issue for your repository on GitHub.
- Create a new branch named "development" and commit into this branch.
- Merge two branches with conflicting contents.
- Synchronize your local changes with your repository on GitHub.
- Create a pull request to this master repository on GitHub.
- Understand the concept of branches and how they can be used in projects.
- Learn about distributed workflows for collaboration in projects.
- Centralized workflows
- Decentralized workflows
There are many tutorials, introductions and Wikis for getting started with Git available online. This site features a list of ressources you can use to find the knowledge necessary for this course.
The following sources should be especially useful:
- using Git in practice
- Understanding Github-Flow
- Hello World
- Forking Projects
- Mastering Issues
- advanced concepts for larger projects
Note: There are Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) supporting Git for all platforms maing the first steps a bit easier. Here is a list of GUI clients for different operating systems:
Currently, only gitk is installed on the development server.