A tiny but powerful raytracer in pure C. It is not as fast as for example blender cycles, but only consists of ~1300 lines of code and is easy to understand (i hope). It can handle basic materials and textures.
To render your own scene, open the blender file in the scene folder. Change the materials and models, but make sure to do the following:
- place textures you used inside the scene/textures folder
- use the principled bsdf node for the materials. You can use roughness/color/... textures, but you have to bake them. They get loaded automatically into our raytracer if you do so.
- execute the script i wrote inside Blender or export it as an obj file with materials
- don't have spaces in the material names
- the camera will always be at position x=0, y=0, z=0 and point down (see blender file)
- run the command
make run
to render the scene
- add comments
- better datastructure for faster ray tracing (BVH instead of simple grid)
- importance sampling to reduce noise
- faster tracing using GPU acceleration
- better tone mapping (filmic, ... ?)
- SIMD instructions?
- normal maps