Galaxy Ranger is a retro side scrolling space shooter in pixel graphics written in RCBasic -
Right now, the game has just one level. But more levels coming soon.
- Up: Arrow-key up
- Down: Arrow-key down
- Left: Arrow-key left
- Right: Arrow-key right
- Fire: Space
- To escape the game: ESC
You can setup you own keys or configure a joystick or a gamepad
- Try to find at least the following bonuses otherwise the game will be really challenging: 2x ship-speedup, 1x fire-speedup, 1x powerup
- You will get more points when playing in a higher level of difficulty
- Windows:
- Download: Win64 zip-file
- Extract the files to a location of your choice and start the game by running GalaxyRanger.exe
- Linux:
- Download: Linux64 AppImage file
- Make the AppImage-file executable. Use the file manager or type in a console: chmod u x GalaxyRanger-x86_64.AppImage
- Start the game by running the AppImage file