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Tags: Jacksole/sc-im



Toggle v0.7.0's commit message

*Added 'copy to clipboard' feature: now content of a range can be copied to clipboard using the :ccopy command.
*Added 'paste from clipboard' feature with :cpaste command.
*Added :subtotal
*Added autobackup feature
*Added :plot command with the following types of chart: line, scatter, bar and pie.
*Added :plotedit command
*New "version" argument. --version can be passed to scim executable file as argv. This will show Sc-im version number
and the different features enabled at compile time.
*Change when moving in command mode and insert mode history:
if inputline is not empty, up and down keys now recall older commands from history,
but taking whose commands that beginning matches the current inputline content.
*Changed default options for numeric, newline_action, numeric_decimal, numeric_zero.
*Doxygen support
*exit_app: only free histories if in ncurses ui. this fix a segfault when quitting.
*replaced :i command. Now xlsx, xls, csv, tsv and tab files shall be imported with the :load command.
*Ignore case when handing special keys in a map
*Handle mappings with double quotes
*Handle SIGTSTP and SIGCONT signals. andmarti1424#213
*fix in csv import: little fix when importing csv files that had commas between quotes. sc-im used to ignore those comma during import process.
*fix in auto numeric when using insert mode history.
*Fix when saving cellcolors. andmarti1424#187
*fix in nmap. andmarti1424#178
*fix in sorting when no range is selected. andmarti1424#180
*fix when displaying help page. andmarti1424#188
*fix in @slen with wide chars. andmarti1424#196
*fix when resizing terminal. andmarti1424#199
*fix calculation when using @pi. andmarti1424#209
*fix when numeric=0 and try to use 0 command. andmarti1424#212
*fix : not initialize colors if working in interactive mode. andmarti1424#220
*fix when :color is intended to be used without having set enough parameters. andmarti1424#219
*fix when editing cells with string expressions. andmarti1424#197


Toggle v0.6.0's commit message

*Added new freeze feature (including new :freeze and :unfreeze commands).
*Scripting support with LUA. Also with triggers and c dynamic linked modules.
*Added new :trigger and :untrigger commands.
*Insert mode history
*Added xlsx file export
*Added new :unformat command
*Added new ignorecase configuration variable for string searches.
*Double quotes can now be entered in SCIM backquoting them.
*Change in exponential and unary - priority: Exponentials bind higher than unary -.
*Change in how data coming from pipeline or redirection is processed.
*let and slet functions now handle undo/redo.
so that if you set a content with let or slet over script, you can also undo it.
*Group cols and rows when saving hidden columns and rows to file
*Added :wq command.
*Added SHIFT command in parser.
*sk and sh shift commands now saves in undo struct cells that depends on the range shifted.
*Keep default background or fg color of terminal
*Handle ESC key in EDIT and INSERT modes. Now it goes back to previous mode, instead of always returning to NORMAL MODE.
*UI isolation. Added dumb ui example.
*undo / redo are now ignored by the dot command.
*Fix in :sort command when a range is selected and not specified within the command.
*Fix in goto command. Removed unneeded free that made SCIM crash, and another crash when no result was found in search.
*Fix in '!' command. Did not work properly when using a white space after the '!'.
*Fix when saving cellcolors, locked cells and pad ranges in sc files. Sometimes colors and locked ranges did not get saved (most right column).
*Fix in history. Last element typed could get written twice in history.
*Fix crash with 'c' command after dc, dr, or shift command affecting cell A0.
*Now scim print columns to latest col in COLS, maximizing the grid view.
*Fixed crash because of syntax error when entering ". as text value. This also happened in sc.
*Fix when entering a number and then a centered text in the same cell. This also happened in sc. Text appeared a column to the right and aligned left.
*Fixed setfunc when saving sc file.
*Fix in deleterow
*Fix in shift functions
*Fix a memory leak in undo.c
*Fix/mods in undo/redo
*Fix in csv import
*Cleaned deletecol
*Fix in csv import: maxcol was not updated correctly during import.
*Fix when saving csv files with :w. before it saved a csv file with sc format.


Toggle v0.5.0's commit message

*new @frow / @fcol functions.
*Added :file special command.
*:cellcolor command now can take a range as an argument.
*Added gg command and HOME, END, PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN keys handling in help screen.
*CSV load/import time improvements (noticeable in large files).
*Fix error when ordering a range that had empty cells.
*Fix in csv import (isnumeric function).
*Fix when circular reference occurs:
 Before it put @err in expression.
 Now it preserves the var that makes the circular reference in the formula,
 but keeps the "ERROR" label in the ent.
 ERR errors propagate to other ents.
*Changes when an ent referenced by other ents is removed:
 Before, @err was set whereever the reference to a removed ent exists.
 Now, if an ent is removed because of:
    1. a dr dc sh sk command,
    is_deleted flag is set on those ents.
    eval return 0 for those cases, and CELLREF is put in e->op.

    2. 'x' command, flag is_deleted is not set.
    eval return 0 for those cases as well.

 REF and ERR errors propagate to other ENDS.
 Another change: Now when deleting a cell, if they are referenced by others, vertex is not removed.
 (is_deleted ents shall always go to freeents to be reused..)
*Added check for not to copy duplicate ents in copy_to_undostruct.
*Removed split function.
*Removed unnecesary lookat in screen.c that made unneeded mallocs.
*With "debug" configuration parameter set, now SC-IM quits after SIGINT.

*Fix bug that prevented cells with "ERROR" get saved to file and loaded later on.
*Fix BackSpace issue with some GNU/Linux distros.
*Fix bug that create duplicates in commandline history, if the command recently typed was the latest used as well.
*Fix bug that avoid processing $HOME/.scimrc after loading a file via commandline.
*Fix bug with 'Pc' and 'c' commands of normal mode, not doing autocalc after paste.
*Fix in possible buffer overflow in main.c.
*Some fixes in xml files import.
*Various fixes to avoid warnings during build.


Toggle v0.4.0's commit message

* Fix memory leak in functions that use seval. ex.: dosval docat. this used to happen also in SC !
* Chain cells with equations into a new graph structure
* Change how cell expressions are evaluated
* New function to rebuilt graph
* Added free() call in GOTO in gram.y
* Added free() call in SORT in gram.y
* Added rebuild_graph, print_graph, undo and redo to gram.y
* Added function to remove elements in dep_graph. (specific vertex and linked edges)
* Fix in shift functions
* Handle circular reference with new Eval structure
* Fix in shift functions. refs in enodes now update correctly
* Undo correctly (keeping references) actions that impact in cells on which other cells depends on
* New :sum special command
* New overlap configuration parameter.
  If overlap is set to true, the cell content that exceedes column width continues to show in the following column.
* Fix a bug that prevented some info messages to be shown during loading
* Fix a bug when repaiting a cell that has a wide char size over than one.
* Changes in readfile function to fix issue that sometimes appeared
  when working with scripting, that made null output of interpreter
* Changes in sc_info sc_error and sc_debug functions..
* Changed sc_error sc_info and sc_debug functions to MACROS.
* Added new "debug" configuration parameter
* White background support
* Fix when undoing :sums that made no sums..
* :w command now adds '.sc' extension if none is specified
* Fix some #include's
* Fix :load command
* Expand filenames using wordexp
* Restored old SC fill function
* Fix in seval calls
* New :fcopy special command
* Added UNDO and LOCK check to fcopy special command. Added fcopy to gram.y
* sum special command renamed to fsum
* csv import now use isnumeric function
* change in '#' command
* new @replace string function
* Change in lex to handle WORD
* Fix in yyerror function
* :set command improvement
* Added set to gram.y
* doc improvement
* Fix when opening files with slash


Toggle v0.3.0's commit message

* FIX when importing large CSV files
* SC-IM now supports wide chars, enabling the use of different alphabets.
  The following alphabets are supported:
  English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Turkish, Czech, Japanese, Chinese
* Modification in padding of cells and how they are saved in files.
* UNDO / REDO improvements. Now the following actions are supported:
  Change in format of a column as a result of the 'f' command
  Change in format of a column as a result of auto_jus
  Change format of columns as a result of ic dc


Toggle v0.2.2's commit message


Toggle v0.2.1's commit message
import_csv: all fields are now imported as text


Toggle v0.1.8's commit message
Version 0.1.8. Still some things to add/change to make 0.2 stable rel…
