- Mushaa is a marketplace where users can post or find residential properties for sale and rent for free!
- Reactjs: Create React App and React Hooks.
- React Testing Library
- Firebase: Firestore, Hosting, Storage and Authentication
- GitHub Actions : Continuous integration and deployment.
- Code Climate: Coverage and maintainability reporting.
- Issues: I am using the issue tracker to document bugs and features I am yet to implement.Feel free to make suggestions in the issue tracker.
- To clone this repository use the command:
git clone [email protected]:JackieBinya/musha.git
- Navigate to the project's directory using the command:
cd musha
- Then run the command below to install all the necessary modules:
npm install
- Unit Testing
npm test
- Coverage on Linux Ubuntu distro (20.04)
npm test -- --coverage --watchAll=false
- The application's url is found here link.