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This software controls the backlight of Lenovo Legion Y720 Keyboard on Linux, as the Lenovo didn't make the drivers/software for Linux.

It works mostly the same as the Lenovo Nerve Center, including the global hotkey of Fn Space to change between profiles created by the user and the hotkey that is located in the key 7 of the numpad this hotkey opens the software.

Here a screenshot:

Screenshot from 2021-04-09 14-41-02

How to install

Download the latest version here: Releases

You can use the AppImage to run just once the software using this in a terminal with the folder you downloaded the software open

./Lenovo Y720 Keyboard LED Controller-x.AppImage

Or you can install the deb packages using:

sudo dpkg -i y720-kb-led-controller-x.deb

How to grant access to Hidraw and Input device

Hidraw device is used for controlling the leds and the input device is used to detect the hotkey Fn Space.

Create a file called /etc/udev/rules.d/99-any-name-you-want.rules and write this to the file

SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{name}=="ITE33D1:00", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="*Keyboard*", MODE="0666"

Reboot your PC or use this command to reload and trigger the new udev rules sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger



  • VSCode with the extensions listed below
    • Better C Syntax
    • Better Shell Syntax
    • C/C Extension Pack by Microsoft
    • CodeLLDB (to debug things if you know what you're doing)
    • EditorConfig for VS Code
    • Shell Script Command Completion
    • ShellCheck (if you want to use this extension follow their guide on how to install it)
  • Patience

Requirements to build or start the dev version

  • GCC/G
  • yarn
  • libevdev (the needed files are already in the ./libs/hotkey/libs folder, but you never know ¯_(ツ)_/¯ )
  • node-gyp (I do recommend to globally install it using either npm install -g node-gyp or yarn global add node-gyp)

How to build it yourself

  1. First clone the repo
git clone
  1. Build
yarn build

How to start the software using yarn

yarn start

Good to know

  • Both scripts (build and start) has a lot of things behind doing all the dirty work.
  • yarn run build or yarn build do these actions:
    • As soon as you run the command, yarn will trigger the "prebuild" script, the prebuild script is going to run the sh file ./scripts/ This shell script is going to run all the things needed to build the application, take a look at the script and see what it does.
    • The same logic applies to yarn run start it runs the file ./scripts/
  • You can take a look at the README inside the folder ./scripts if you want more details in what those scripts is doing.
  • I wrote some details how the addons I built for the app works