REST API for the "Izone" Slack App.
The purpose of this API is to act as a relay between Google Calendar, Slack, 10 000' plans and our internal time tracking and economy system.
Assuming you are already using nvm, install or use the node version specified in .nvmrc
nvm install # (or nvm use)
Install dependencies and install nodemon globally.
npm i
npm i -g nodemon
Run server with nodemon.
Run npm-watch that runs standard linter and test upon each file change.
npm start
If you are going to contribute, make sure you create a feature branch with your changes. Keep changes clean and focused and make sure all tests are running and your code is Standard compliant before creating a PR.
# Create a feature branch.
git checkout -b feature/some_new_feature
# or, using git flow
git flow feature start some_new_feature
When creating a PR, make sure to merge from develop so that your branch is ready to be merged. Also, if the code changes are not self-explanatory, add some notes explaining what you have done and how to verify its functionality.
git pull origin develop
git push origin feature/some_new_feature
View relevant fields in people_db
use izone;
FROM people_db