Pruning has been implemented for the following types of structural modules and networks:
- Sequential Connectivity - AlexNet, VGG
- Residuals - ResNet18, ResNet20, ResNet50
- Depth-wise convolutions - MobileNetV2, MNasNet
- Fire modules - SqueezeNet
- Inception modules - GoogLeNet
The following sections describe how to prune your own description of these modules/networks and extend to other modules or networks
- [pruner]
- project_dir: path to top level directory (it is sufficient to start path at the src/ directory)
- model_path: path inside the top level directory defining where to store models
- subset_name: name of sub-classes of original dataset
- mode: type of pruning strategy (current options are "random" and "l1-norm")
- pruning_perc: percentage of network to prune (can be a list of pruning levels as well)
Models will be stored to {project_dir}/{model_path}/{dataset}/{subset_name}/{net_name}_{pruning_level}.py
Note : The only restriction in terms of layers that can be used is that torch.Functional modules such as F.relu can"t be used as these can"t be automatically detected by running through model.named_modules(). Please replace these with the equivalent torch.nn instead.
Sequential Connectivity / AlexNet no change required as long as each layer in alexnet is sequentially defined in model descriptino file as in models/cifar/alexnet.py
Residuals / ResNet
- The BasicBlock module or the Bottleneck module need to be defined as a separate class.
- Use the @basic_block or @bottleneck decorators with arguments :
- lType : name of block type
- convs : list of names of all convolutional layers within the block (class)
- downsampling : list with names of downsampling layers within the block
- Refer to models/cifar/resnet.py for example
Depth-wise convolutions / MobileNetV2
- The MbConv block needs to be defined as a separate class
- Use the @mb_conv decorator with arguments :
- lType : name of block type
- convs : list of names of all convolutional layers within the block (class)
- downsampling : list with names of downsampling layers within the block
- Refer to models/cifar/mobilenetv2.py for example
Fire modules / SqueezeNet
- The Fire block needs to be defined as a separate class
- Use the @fire decorator with arguments :
- lType : name of block type
- convs : list of names of all convolutional layers within the block (class)
- Refer to models/cifar/squeezenet.py for example
- Need to define a decorator for the special block in pruners/decorators.py that takes in the information required
- The decorator must update the dependency block class with the desired information and register the appropriate dependency calculator found in pruners/dependencies.py
- It must also register the appropriate model writer in pruners/model_writers.py
- It must also register the appropriate weight transfer unit in pruners/weight_transfer.py
- A file [net_name].py needs to be created in pruners/ with a class which inherits from the BasicPruning in pruners/base.py
- The init needs to set the parameters self.fileName and self.netName
- A dependency calculator must be created which implements all the abstract methods in the DependencyCalculator class in pruners/dependencies.py
- The decorator registers a writer function defined in pruners/model_writers.py to the Writer class
- The function registered must implement the required functionality for writing out a new model description file, but can use the predefined writer functions for various commonly used layers which are already defined.
- This follows the same structure as the model writer and the relevant functions are found in pruners/weight_transfer.py
- Some backbone functions such as "residual_backbone" and "split_and_aggregate_backbone" are provided for residuals and concatenation based modules such as Fire modules that can be used.
Once these are defined, the setup_pruner function in app.py can be updated to initialise the new pruner.