- 🌱 Ecologist
- 🕸 WebAssembly polyglot
- 🦀 Rust nerd
- 👾 Hacker
- 🎓 PhD Computer Scientist
- 🤲 Open source lover
- 🙈 Parser, compiler, low-level, binding, VM/runtime, Web, home automation, embedded…
- 🚀 R&D Element/Matrix, the decentralized, end-to-end encrypted, open source network
- 📜 Formerly Wasmer (WebAssembly runtime), Automattic, fruux, Mozilla (Firefox)… I like the change and new challenges
- 🏠 Living in the stack, in a weird ABI, lost in FFI land
- Mastodon: @hywan
💬 Matrix
A new basis for open, interoperable, decentralised, end-to-end encrypted, real-time communication.
I currently work on the Matrix Rust SDK 🦀.
🕸 Wasmer
Wasmer is one of the major and leading WebAssembly runtime out there.
I have co-founded this project, and sadly left it. I've greatly contributed to the runtime itself:
- Worked on 3 compilers: Singlepass, Cranelift and LLVM,
- Worked on the 3 engines: JIT, shared object file, static object file, and the VM core,
- Worked on the public API, documentation, examples, well… everything!
In addition to the runtime, I have created many bindings:
is the C embedding for Wasmer,wasmer-python
for Python,wasmer-go
for Go with its post: Announcing the fastest WebAssembly runtime for Go: wasmer,wasmer-ruby
for Ruby,wasmer-php
for PHP with its post: 🐘 🦀 🕸 php-ext-wasm: Migrating from wasmi to Wasmer,wasmer-java
for Java with its post: Announcing the first Java library to run WebAssembly: Wasmer JNI,wasmer-postgres
for PostgreSQL with its post: Announcing the first Postgres extension to run WebAssembly.
Notable fun projects I did there:
is a library to compile USDT probes into a Rust library,llvm-custom-builds
is a sandbox to product custom LLVM builds for various platforms,loupe
is a set of tools to analyse and to profile Rust code,inline-c-rs
, to write and to execute C code inside Rust,- and much more.
Automattic is the company behind WordPress.com, Tumblr, WooCommerce, JetPack, Akismet, Simplenote, Longreads, Gravatar etc.
One notable open source project I have worked on is a parser for Gutenberg, in Rust, that compiles to many targets: WebAssembly, C, PHP, Node.js etc. It led to a blog post series: From Rust to beyond.
- Contract-based testing for PHP with Praspel, Dadeau, Giorgetti, Bouquet, Enderlin; Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 136, 2018.
- My PhD thesis: _Automatic generation of unit tests with Praspel, a specification langauge for PHP, Enderlin, 2014.
- A Constraint Solver for PHP Arrays, Enderlin, Giorgetti, Bouquet; ICST Workshops, 2013.
- Grammar-Based Testing using Realistic Domains in PHP, Enderlin, Dadeau, Giorgetti, Bouquet; A-MOST 2012, 8th Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing, joint to the ICST'12 IEEE, Software Testing, Verification and Validation, 2012.
- Praspel: A Specification Language for Contract-Driven Testing in PHP, Enderlin, Dadeau, Giorgetti, Ben Othman, International Conference on Testing Software and Systems, 2011.
It is a set of modular, extensible and structured set of PHP libraries; aiming at being a bridge between industrial and research worlds. More than 165 millions installations, but projects are archived after 15 years of joy.
My wife and I have built a self-sufficient house, made of straw, wood and earth. This repository contains all the program I'm using for the home automation. But the most important readings are at lamaisonvivante.blog, our blog describing our adventure!
It is a truly open-source and free map browser.