open source can bus analyzer
written by Hubert Denkmair [email protected]
- to install all required packages in a vanilla ubuntu 16.04:
- sudo apt-get install build-essential git qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev libnl-3-dev libnl-route-3-dev
- build with:
- qmake -qt=qt5
- make
- make install
- Qt Creator (Community Version is okay) brings everything you need
- except for the PCAN libraries.
- Get them from
- Extract to .zip to src/driver/PeakCanDriver/pcan-basic-api
- Make sure PCANBasic.dll (the one from pcan-basic-api/Win32 on a "normal" 32bit Windows build) is found when running cangaroo, e.g. by putting it in the same folder as the .exe file.
- if you don't want Peak support, you can just disable the driver: remove the line "win32:include($$PWD/driver/PeakCanDriver/PeakCanDriver.pri)" from src/
- if you want to deploy the cangaroo app, make sure to also include the needed Qt Libraries. for a normal release build, these are: Qt5Core.dll Qt5Gui.dll Qt5Widgets.dll Qt5Xml.dll
- make logging easier
- refactorings
- scroll trace view per pixel, not per item (always show last message when autoscroll is on)
- docking windows system instead of MDI interface
- windows build
- windows PCAN-basic driver
- handle muxed signals in backend and trace window
- do not try to extract signals from messages when DLC too short
- can status window
- bugfixes in setup dialog
- show timestamps, log level etc. in log window
- new can interface configuration GUI (missing a suid binary to actually set the config)
- use libnl-route-3 for socketcan device config read
- query socketcan interfaces for supported config options
- new logging subsystem, do not use QDebug any more
- some performance improvements when receiving lots of messages
- bugfix with time-delta view: timestamps not shown when no previous message avail
- fix device re-scan ("could not bind" console message)
- fix some dbc parsing issues (signed signals, ...)
- implement big endian signals
- change source structure to better fit debian packaging
- add debian packaging info
initial release \o/
- allow for canfd frames
- support non-message frames in traces (e.g. markers)
- implement plugin API
- embed python for scripting
- allow socketcan interface config through suid binary
- socketcan: use hardware timestamps (SIOCSHWTSTAMP) if possible
- cannelloni support
- windows vector driver
- export to other file formats (e.g. Vector ASC, BLF, MDF)
- import CAN-Traces
- give some style to dock windows
- load/save docks from/to config
- filter log messages by level
- display #warnings, #passive, #busoff, #restarts of socketcan devices
- message filtering
- assign colors to can interfaces / messages
- limit displayed number of messages
- show error frames and other non-message frames
- sort signals by startbit, name or position in candb
- provide a simple way to generate raw can messages
- generate can messages from candbs
- set signals according to value tables etc.
- provide generator functions for signal values
- allow scripting of signal values
- replay can traces
- map interfaces in traces to available networks
- test QCustomPlot
- allow for graphing of interface stats, message stats and signals
- provide clean debian package
- gentoo ebuild script
- provide static linked binary
- add windows installer