Looking to use my Bachelor of Computer Science with project skills and experience to work with Machine learning and Data-Science related solutions at your organization.
- Pandas | Numpy | MatplotLib | Seaborn | BeautifulSoup | Plotly
- SkLearn | Keras | TensorFlow | NLP
- fbprophet
- Pandas-Profiling | graphviz | yellowbrick
- re | Warnings | Pillow | NetworkX
keen to learn new libraries and adapt at new technologies
- Twitter API
- Microsoft Azure
- Azure Boards
- Dynamics CRM
- Azure: Power Apps
- Azure: Power Automate
- Tableau
- PowerBI
- Excel VBA
- Pyspark
- ETL Operations
- Script Automation
- Dashboards/Reports
- User Research
- Develop Application in Cloud
- Modeling
- Text Mining
- PCA (Principle Component Analysis)
- Sentiment Analysis
- Detect outliers/Anomaly
📬 How to reach me : Linked In | Medium | Portfolio | Upwork | Skype: HarshKothari21