A collection of various scripts to automate tasks with the Zabbix API. My main goal is to create a set of simple utilities that can be reused in shell scripts without using a lot of curl voodoo.
All of these tools can be invoked with -h/--help
to get help.
- Interactive Zabbix API client.
- Gets values from history for an itemid.
- Switches inv. mode on host(group)s.zgetinventory.py
- Prints host inventory in CSV format.zhostupdater.py
- Updates host properties.
- Finds items on a host.zgethistory.py
- Get item values from history (Trends are not supported!).
- Finds graphs configured on a Zabbix host.zgetgraph.py
- Downloads a graph .PNG from the Zabbix frontend (needs user frontend access) and saves it.
- Finds member hosts in a hostgroup.
- Finds hosts in Zabbix based on search string.zhostupdater.py
- Updates hosts properties.
- Finds configured proxy for a Zabbix host.
- Imports .xml template into zabbixzhtmplfinder.py
- Finds linked templates for a Zabbix host.zthostfinder.py
- Finds hosts that are linked to a template.zthtmllinker.py
- Links host(group)s to a list of templates.zthtmlunlink.py
- Unlinks host(group)s from a list of templates.
- Finds triggers on a host.ztrigswitcher.py
- Switches a trigger to enabled or discabled status.
- Updates host properties.
- Finds events based on filters (includes atail -f
like mode).zgetevent.py
- Gets details for eventids, including ack's and alert actions.zeventacker.py
- Acknowledges events based on eventids.
These programs can use .ini style configuration files to retrieve the needed API connection information. To use this type of storage, create a conf file (the default is $HOME/.zbx.conf) that contains at least the [Zabbix API] section and any of the other parameters:
[Zabbix API]
Setting no_verify
to true
will disable TLS/SSL certificate verification when using https.
The scripts will need the pyzabbix module, to install:
pip install pyzabbix
For working with graphs (zgetgraph.py
specifically) install Pillow (a fork of PIL):
pip install pillow
Save a 1 month 'CPU load' graph starting on the 1st of January 2014 for the host server.example.com as ~/jan.png:
graphid=$(./zhgraphfinder.py -e server.example.com | grep 'CPU load' | cut -d ':' -f 1) ./zgetgraph.py -s $(date --date 'jan 1 2014' %s) -t 2678400 -f ~/jan.png $graphid
Take note that this requires GNU date
zabbix_sender -k $ITEMKEY -o $ITEMVALUE -s $HOSTNAME -z $(zhproxyfinder.py $HOSTNAME)
./zhtmpllinker.py -t "Template App Apache" "Template App MySQL" "Template OS Linux" -G "LAMP Servers"
./zhtmplunlink.py -G "Webservers" -t "Template App MySQL"
Import all .xml templates verbosely from the directory 'templates' and continue with the next template on error.
./ztmplimport.py -v -C ./templates/*.xml
./zgethistory.py 1001 -C 1
Get a list of item values with timestamps and unit from history for a period of 2hr from Jan 1st 2014 00:00hr
./zgethistory.py -s $(date --date 'jan 1 2014' %s) -t 7200 -e 1030
./ztrigswitcher.py -D $(./zhtrigfinder.py -s "Unavailable by ICMP" -n "Google DNS")
./zhtrigfinder.py -A "Webserver" | wc -l
./zhinvswitcher.py -G "Linux Servers" -m manual
./zhinvswitcher.py --all-hosts
./zghostfinder.py "Customer A" | grep -i '^web.*'
./zgethistory.py -C 1 $(./zhitemfinder.py -k 'vm.memory.size[available]' -n Webserver)
./zhostfinder.py -m -S zabbix
Output a CSV with hostid, hostname, OS, vendor and contact fields for all hosts in the 'Zabbix Servers' group
./zgetinventory.py -G "Zabbix Servers" -F "os" "vendor" "contact" > report.csv
./zhostupdater.py web001 -V 'primary webserver'
Enable the host web001, apply the macro {$APACHEPROC} and update the 'Sofware Application A' inv field
./zhostupdater.py web001 -E -M apacheproc=15 -I software_app_a="Apache"
Find all PROBLEM events during the last hour for the the hosts in the group 'Linux Servers' (Limited to 100 events)
./zeventfinder.py -P -t 3600 -G 'Linux Servers'
./zeventacker.py -m "Power outage" 6578 6689 6590
./zgetevent.py -ACL 6578 6689 6590
./zeventacker.py -m 'Foobar with Fabric :-(' $(./zeventfinder.py -i -P -t 900 -G 'Linux servers')
./zeventfinder.py -L 10 --all-hosts -f
Logging in on 'https://zabbix.example.com/' with user 'Admin'.
Welcome to the interactive Zabbix API client.
zapi: z host.get(filter={"host": "Zabbix Server"})
[{u'hostid': u'1001'}]
Please see the Zabbix manual for your version of Zabbix for the latest list of supported fields, these are only here for your convience.
Property | Description |
alias | Alias. |
asset_tag | Asset tag. |
chassis | Chassis. |
contact | Contact person. |
contract_number | Contract number. |
date_hw_decomm | HW decommissioning date. |
date_hw_expiry | HW maintenance expiry date. |
date_hw_install | HW installation date. |
date_hw_purchase | HW purchase date. |
deployment_status | Deployment status. |
hardware | Hardware. |
hardware_full | Detailed hardware. |
host_netmask | Host subnet mask. |
host_networks | Host networks. |
host_router | Host router. |
hw_arch | HW architecture. |
installer_name | Installer name. |
location | Location. |
location_lat | Location latitude. |
location_lon | Location longitude. |
macaddress_a | MAC address A. |
macaddress_b | MAC address B. |
model | Model. |
name | Name. |
notes | Notes. |
oob_ip | OOB IP address. |
oob_netmask | OOB host subnet mask. |
oob_router | OOB router. |
os | OS name. |
os_full | Detailed OS name. |
os_short | Short OS name. |
poc_1_cell | Primary POC mobile number. |
poc_1_email | Primary email. |
poc_1_name | Primary POC name. |
poc_1_notes | Primary POC notes. |
poc_1_phone_a | Primary POC phone A. |
poc_1_phone_b | Primary POC phone B. |
poc_1_screen | Primary POC screen name. |
poc_2_cell | Secondary POC mobile number. |
poc_2_email | Secondary POC email. |
poc_2_name | Secondary POC name. |
poc_2_notes | Secondary POC notes. |
poc_2_phone_a | Secondary POC phone A. |
poc_2_phone_b | Secondary POC phone B. |
poc_2_screen | Secondary POC screen name. |
serialno_a | Serial number A. |
serialno_b | Serial number B. |
site_address_a | Site address A. |
site_address_b | Site address B. |
site_address_c | Site address C. |
site_city | Site city. |
site_country | Site country. |
site_notes | Site notes. |
site_rack | Site rack location. |
site_state | Site state. |
site_zip | Site ZIP/postal code. |
software | Software. |
software_app_a | Software application A. |
software_app_b | Software application B. |
software_app_c | Software application C. |
software_app_d | Software application D. |
software_app_e | Software application E. |
software_full | Software details. |
tag | Tag. |
type | Type. |
type_full | Type details. |
url_a | URL A. |
url_b | URL B. |
url_c | URL C. |
vendor | Vendor. |